Category Archives: Clinton

Clinton Revision

clinton revision

Bill Clinton survived impeachment thanks to feminists. For them, his defense of abortion rights trumped sexual assault.

You sure you don’t want to file a report, ma’am?

But now the Clinton’s are out of power and the views are a-changing.

Clinton Revision

Michelle Goldberg led the Clinton revision charge with a NYT piece announcing she believes Juanita Broaddrick’s claim that Bill raped her.

Mathew Yglesias writes in Vox that he was only in high school when Monica took a knee. But now he’s re-evaluating the Clinton years and thinks Bubba should have resigned.

Even Hillary’s senate successor, Kirsten Gillibrand, is on board the new Democratic bandwagon.

She now agrees The Big Dog should have been put down.

The economy is in good shape and the president’s jogging,
so what?

Colluding With Russia

colluding with russia

Sara Huckabee Sanders says, “everything that Hillary Clinton and the DNC accused Trump of doing, they were doing.”

And Mark Steyn says likewise: “Everybody was colluding with Russia except Trump.”

But Hillary says “baloney“.

So says Real Clear Politics.

Russian Collusion

russian collusion

The Russian Nuclear firm Rosatom bought Canadian mining company Uranium One in 2010. The deal gave Putin control over 20% of the U.S. Uranium supply.

The Hill reported last week that the FBI knew that Russian nuclear officials were involved in racketeering schemes in the U.S. prior to the purchase. The Russians had also directed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill Clinton hundreds of thousands in speaking fees.

Robert Mueller was FBI Director when the probe of possible Russian collusion on nukes began in 2009 and James Comey was director when it ended in 2015.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Clinton both sat on a committee that approved the Uranium One deal in 2010.

Russian Collusion

Mark Steyn’s reaction: “Fancy that! A racketeering scheme centered on the Clintons! Who’da thunk it?”

Unlike the current “Russia investigation”, where details of dawn raids on Paul Manafort are gaily leaked hither and yon, Mueller and Comey managed to keep the lid on this one for the six-plus years it was active. And happily it doesn’t seem to have obstructed either the Clintons’ or the Russians’ mutually beneficial relationship.

Hillary says this is all a bunch of baloney.

Harvey Weinstein Revelation

weinstein revelation

Meryl Streep is shocked shocked by the Harvey Weinstein revelation. She reached out to the Huffington Post to call his behavior “disgraceful, inexcusable, and an abuse of power.”

In 2012 she called him “God.”

Hillary Clinton is shocked shocked too. And “appalled“. Weinstein has helped raise $1.5 million for Democratic candidates.

Weinstein Revelation

Holman Jenkins in the WSJ says Harvey is warning the Hollywood liberal elite that his problems are their problems:

He was a guest at the Obama White House 13 times. He gave hundreds of thousands to the Clintons. In 2016, he hosted or headlined multiple fundraisers for Mrs. Clinton with people like Leonardo DiCaprio, Helen Mirren, Julia Roberts and Sarah Jessica Parker.



Comey Mind Over Matter


Former FBI Director Comey told President Trump three times that he was not under investigation.

But Hillary Clinton was. Sort of.

Then Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Comey to refer to what he was doing with Hillary as a “matter“, not an “investigation.” Comey went along but said the order “confused and concerned” him. He also said it made him “queasy“.

But it apparently didn’t reach the “mildly nauseous” threshold.

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