Tag Archives: Obama

The Government Family Album

130509-osu-obama-speech-cartoon-In a variation on his “you didn’t build that” theme, President Obama told Ohio State grads to lose individual ambition and embrace their government. Update: Otherwise, expect an IRS audit.

He implored the new grads to reject:

“the voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s the root of all our problems…”

And while they’re at it, reject the idea of checks and balances because:

“we sometimes forget the larger bonds we share, as one American family.”

First Taxpayer


Barack Obama sends his 2013 tax return and says he'll settle for paying 18%, even though he can afford to pay a little more.The Obamas paid an effective tax rate of 18%. Nolan Finley says Obama “is not about setting examples”. He goes on to discuss extravagant vacations and the recent live soul concert at the White House:

Which raises the question: How can a president so tone deaf appreciate a live concert?

Border Battles


In front of the Keystone Pipeline, a Canadian tells an American that Barack Obama will make peace in the Middle East before ever signing off on the pipelineThe president compared Israel and the Palestinians to the U.S. and Canada during his Middle East trip. Whatever, it’s all the same.

Slippery Slope


130312slope_drone_obamacareRand Paul’s 13 hour filibuster, extracted an agreement from the administration not to kill American citizens sitting in American cafes. For those keeping score, the Holder/Obama team has whacked 3 Americans so far.

That still leaves this administration 77 short of the Clinton/Reno mark of 80 killed in Waco Texas.

However, President Obama has shown the remarkable ability to extend the kill zone for American citizens and constitutional rights for foreign terrorists at the same time! In early March Bin Laden’s son-in-law, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, was picked up in Jordan and brought to New York for trial. Along the way he was read his Miranda rights.

The true test of Obama’s power is – will Sulaiman be forced to buy health insurance?

The Sequester Survivor



What happens if you hold the sequester and nobody comes? Here’s a Washington Post story with a cool wolf picture.

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