Category Archives: Religion

Pope Fiat


Josh Ernest thinks Francis and Obama are two peas in a pod. Both men believe in social justice and global warming. But it’s hard to imagine King Barack in Fiat. Dennis Miller adds that the Pope drives a Fiat and Obama rules by Fiat.

Mass in Cuba

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Pope Francis celebrated Mass in Cuba on Sunday. Standing before a giant image of Che Guevara, he said “Service is never ideological, for we don’t serve ideas, we serve people.” Afterward he met with Fidel but not with Cuban dissidents.

He will meet with dissidents in the United States. President Obama has invited Catholic dissidents to a reception for the pope.

Happy Jewish New Year from Iran

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Iranian good cop President Rouhani tweeted Happy Rash Hashanah wishes for the Jewish new year. In English, not on his Persian account. Earlier in the week Supreme Leader Khamenei announced that Israel will be gone in 25 years.

Kentucky Same Sex Marriage Law


Kim Davis is a Kentucky clerk of courts who refused to issue same sex marriage licenses on religious grounds. That earned her a trip to the slammer. She was released this week.

Victor Davis Hanson has a great column about how some federal rules are more equal than others.

Scooter Libby, in the last panel of the cartoon, was accused of outing spy Valerie Plame. He didn’t do it. Richard Armitage did. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald knew that all along but still went after Libby. He got him on perjury.

Nakoula is the filmmaker Hillary and the administration blamed for the Benghazi attack. It was a lie. Nakoula got thrown in jail anyway on a probation violation charge.

Death To America

150723-Death-to-AmericaThe historic deal with Iran is done. Secretary of State Kerry says if a new president tries to change it “we’ll have proven we’re not trustworthy”.

President Obama says he will veto any bill if Congress tries to change the deal.

Supreme Leader Khameini says, “Death to America”.

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