Category Archives: republicans

Republican Losers


The voters are angry because the Republican establishment consists of a bunch of losers who won’t change the status quo.

Made sense to me.

But WSJ establishment guy Bret Stephens doesn’t see it that way. When President Obama came to power he had control of the House and Senate. He signed Obamacare without a single Republican vote. Stephens thinks Republicans have accomplished a lot since then:

These were significant political achievements, which only awaited a serious presidential candidate to lead to a sweeping Republican restoration.

Hastert Hush Money

hastert hush money

I was wondering how it was possible that I was watching Donald Trump, the Republican “presumptive nominee” for president of the United States, giving a foreign policy speech yesterday afternoon.

Then news broke that former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert had been sentenced to fifteen months in prison and fined $250,000. He was guilty of structuring bank withdrawals to hide the fact that he was taking out millions in cash.

How is it possible that a former politician and high school wrestling coach was able to withdraw $3.5 million in cash? The former Speaker had parlayed his status as an elite Washington insider into a job as a high paid Washington lobbyist.

Hastert Hush Money

The cash was hush money Hastert paid to a former high school wrestler whom he had molested when he was his coach. The judge called him a “serial child molester.”

Here’s the story in the NY Times. Here’s a National Review story about Hastert’s rise from suburban Chicago high school teacher to Washington insider.

Trump Evolves, Lying Ted Colludes

lying ted

Donald Trump’s new advisor, Paul Manafort, told party leaders they would see his man evolve into a candidate of more “depth“. That was until The Donald decided Lying Ted and John Kasich were colluding against him. He said, “it shows how pathetic they are.”

I got the idea for this one when I heard Rush Limbaugh ruminating on how Ted Cruz must feel to find himself outflanked by Trump and joined at the hip to cranky Kasich the insider.

Cruz was the original outsider candidate. There’s a Senate full of Republicans who hate him as proof.

Jeffrey Lord, a Cruz fan, has a column about this came to pass. He thinks Cruz should have teamed with Trump. Instead he blew it by going mainstream with Kasich.

The Rules are Rigged

the rules are rigged

The Donald is having trouble playing by the rules. Republican party rules say you need 1,237 delegates to win the nomination of the first ballot. Trump says the rules are rigged by the party elite.

As of now Trump leads with 743 to 545 for Cruz. Kasich is hanging in with 143. You can get an updated count here.

Each state makes its own rules for awarding delegates and smarty pants Cruz knows the rules. After all, if you can’t figure out how to win in Colorado how will you beat Isis?

Here’s how it works.

Reagan Legacy

reagan legacy

Daniel Henninger, of the WSJ,wrote a column about a column by Nicholas Confessore, of the NYT. The idea is the Republicans have killed the thing the Democrats never could – the Reagan legacy.


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