Category Archives: Mike Pence
Big Tech Lends a Tentacle to Progressives

Big Tech is putting the squeeze on free speech. And it’s being embraced by progressives, as long as someone else’s speech gets the squeeze. Early progressive’s battled trust octopi. But no more.

Big Tech
In the 19th century, “progressives” sought to curb the power of monopolies and trusts on the logic that the proverbial people had only the railroads or telegraphs to travel or communicate, and should be freed from their octopus “tentacles.” The railroad argument, “Ride a horse if you don’t like us,” never washed.
Now progressives enlist social media monopolies to ensure that they alone can control, censor, and cancel incorrect communications over the publicly owned airspace. “Just email or use your cell phone, if you don’t like us” won’t wash either. Progressives are no longer the watchdogs breaking up trusts. They are the trusts breaking up watchdogs.
Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness Jan 10,2021
Vice Presidential Debate puts Fly to Sleep

Compared to the presidential debate last week, Wednesday’s vice presidential debate was pretty presidential.
Mike Pence was so calm he wouldn’t hurt a fly. At least he didn’t seem bothered by the fly resting on his head while he expressed his support for law enforcement.
That fly wouldn’t have stood a chance if Barack Obama were still around.
Real Oval Office Guests

Public Political Bickering
Pelosi and Schumer visited Trump and Pence in the Oval Office. At least I think Pence was visiting. He was plastered silent and motionless into a chair.
After the photo-op no one shooed the press away. So they stayed. This was more transparency than Nancy could bear and she kept asking them to leave. But they stayed anyway and recorded the four – okay, three – of them bickering about five billion dollars for the Mexican wall.
No one asked the Mexicans to cough up the cash, but the president said he would be proud to shut down the government until he gets the money from Congress.
Republican Senators later did some public political bickering of their own and backed away from Trump’s threat, but The Donald got the last word.
Election Day House Keeping
It’s election day house keeping time. Nancy Pelosi guarantees victory. But Mike Pence says, not in our House. We’ll soon see.