Category Archives: Government

We Were Afraid Data Would be Used Against Us

afraid data would be used against us, cuomo

We froze because we were afraid the data was going to be used against us.

Melissa DeRosa, Top aid to NY Governor Andrew Cuomo

Governor Cuomo had ordered coronavirus patients into NYC nursing homes. And almost 15,000 seniors died. But the state only reported 8,500 deaths.

New York Attorney General Letitia James reported that the governor had undercounted the state’s COVID-related nursing home deaths by nearly 4,000, making the true nursing home resident death toll about 40 percent higher than Cuomo’s administration claimed. Then, Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admitted during a private conference call with Democrats that the administration had covered up the true death toll, afraid of provoking a Department of Justice investigation.

Liz Wolfe, Reason

And now he’s accused of sexual harassment.

Lincoln Project Swamp Creatures get Rich Quick

Lincoln project

The Lincoln Project’s Band of Brothers—initially four financially strapped, embittered middle-aged white male Washington insiders—lectured the country that those few, those happy few, that band of brothers would fight for us. If only they were adequately funded, they could save us from the moral turpitude of four more years of Trump.

Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness

Professor Hanson above is describing four establishment Republican campaign consultants dedicated to defeating Trump and electing Joe Biden.

Donors and lucrative on-line anti-Trump ads solved the inadequate funding problem by raising ninety million dollars. But half of that went to firms run by the founders.

And as for moral turpitude, twenty-one men accused Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver of sexual harassment.

Co-founder George Conway is calling for an investigation. His wife is former Trump counselor Kelleyanne Conway.

And another co-founder, Steve Schmidt, has pulled out.

Room Temperature Impeachment Targets

room temperature impeachment

Given that Donald Trump is out of office, and apparently need not be present to win – or lose, could room temperature impeachments become the next big lockdown hit? Let’s dig up some oldies but goodies, and not so goodies, for the scarlet “I”.

Room Temperature Impeachment

How about Earl Warren? He was a popular impeachment target in the South when there was real systemic racism Jim Crow style.

Andrew Johnson must be spinning in his grave now that Trump has doubled his impeachment total.

Or how about Richard Nixon? He wrangled a resignation and pardon from his successor President Gerald Ford. Maybe Trump could have worked the same deal with his loyal vice president – the ” weak,” “pathetic“,”unpatriotic,” “pussy” Mike Pence.

Or not.

What Would a Successful Insurrection Look Like?

successful insurrection, electoral college, House, impeachment

What would a successful insurrection look like. Would Chief Justice Roberts sit out the inauguration like he did the second impeachment? Would the bare chested guy with the fury head and horns swear in the president on a cold January day?

Citizen Trump Impeachment Trial Underway

Citizen Trump, impeachment trial

The Citizen Trump impeachment trial is off and running under the watchful eye of Senator Patrick Leahy. And that’s because Chief Justice Roberts turned down the gig. The Constitution calls for the Chief Justice to preside over presidential impeachments. But Joe Biden’s busy, so there’s no president in the room. Anyway this is more efficient because Senator Leahy also gets a vote on Trump’s guilt or innocence, so he’s judge and jury.

Citizen Trump

The Dems have their reasons for beating a dead dog-faced pony soldier. If they convict Trump he can’t run for office again. But they beat a live President Trump last election. So Professor Charles Lipson wonders why they’d want him off the ballot in future elections.

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