Category Archives: 2012 presidential campaign
Pre-existing Condition
Romney says he wants to cover pre-existing conditions but he’s having trouble explaining how his plan is the same, but different, from Obama’s.
The president gave himself an incomplete grade for his first term. Bill Clinton excused him, saying that no one, not even The Big Dog himself, could have fixed the economy. Obama never actually uttered the words “economic malaise”, but then again, neither did Jimmy Carter.
For those not down with Carter era Sweat Hog culture, here’s a link to Welcome Back Kotter.
God Fearing Democrats
Got this from a throw away line in a Michael Gerson column.
Democratic delegates have managed to boo for God and Jerusalem and wildly cheer the president of NARAL.
Better Off
Dems have struggled with the “are you better off” question. Martin O’Malley, the governor of Maryland answered “no”, switched to yes, and was blown off the bridge of death.
46.7 million Americans were on food stamps in June, but things weren’t so hot 4 years ago either. Here’s a chart from the Atlantic that tracks private sector jobs since Obama came to power.
Clinton Speech
The fact checkers say the president is not gutting welfare reform. Mickey Kaus says otherwise.
Bill Clinton will place the name of his nemesis in nomination for four more years on Wednesday night.