Category Archives: Christmas



President Obama says “inequality is the defining challenge of our time”.

The ocean and canals near Obama’s Hawaiian vacation home are off limits to local residents while he is there. The vacation is expected to cost taxpayers $4 million.



Christmas Delivery

131228-ups-Christmas Delivery-cartoonSome companies like Amazon couldn’t live up to last minute shopping promises for Christmas Delivery and now UPS is taking the heat. Much to the delight of the Postal Service.

Christmas Delivery

Where are the Amazon Drones when you need em?

Pajama Boy

131221-pajama-boyThe Obama Election Committee for Life, Organizing for Action, is promoting the joys of ObamaCare to young people. For Thanksgiving they urged the young invincibles to talk turkey about healthcare at family gatherings. For Christmas they introduced Pajama Boy when they tweeted this image while advising the faithful to:

Wear pajamas. Drink hot chocolate. Talk about Getting health insurance.

Pajama Boy

Pajama Boy was the instant butt of jokes all over the country. Which means he got millions in free publicity. Even on Bokbluster.

Drone Delivery

131202-amazon-drone-deliveryInternet shopping has been a bust to brick and mortar stores for a long time. But it’s been a boon to FedEx and others who deliver the stuff. That could be about to change. Jeff Bezos used a 60 Minutes interview with Charlie Rose to unveil drone delivery.

Could millions of unmanned mini-choppers flying through neighborhoods mean boom times for personal injury lawyers?

Last Minute Christmas Gift for Ohio State Fans


Click here to download a PDF of this cartoon to create a gift poster!


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