Category Archives: health insurance
Slippery Slope
Rand Paul’s 13 hour filibuster, extracted an agreement from the administration not to kill American citizens sitting in American cafes. For those keeping score, the Holder/Obama team has whacked 3 Americans so far.
That still leaves this administration 77 short of the Clinton/Reno mark of 80 killed in Waco Texas.
However, President Obama has shown the remarkable ability to extend the kill zone for American citizens and constitutional rights for foreign terrorists at the same time! In early March Bin Laden’s son-in-law, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, was picked up in Jordan and brought to New York for trial. Along the way he was read his Miranda rights.
The true test of Obama’s power is – will Sulaiman be forced to buy health insurance?
Pre-existing Condition
Romney says he wants to cover pre-existing conditions but he’s having trouble explaining how his plan is the same, but different, from Obama’s.
In the Obamacare ruling shakeout over the Obama Healthcare Mandate, it appears that Roberts changed his mind after writing the, then, majority opinion overturning the individual mandate based on the commerce clause. He later wrote the new majority opinion upholding the mandate under Congress’ taxing power.
The chief justice isn’t the only one having it both ways. Obama has loudly insisted an estimated one zillion times on national TV that the mandate is not a tax (and he still does, now that he’s won).
After Justice Kennedy’s famous question, “can we create commerce in order to regulate it?”, it looked like the court wasn’t going to uphold the mandate as regulated commerce. So, the administration lawyers argued, hell yes, it’s a tax!
Healthcare Rewrite
You’ll have to pass it to find out find out that Justice Roberts gutted the commerce clause according to Tom Scocca in Slate.
To which the WSJ says maybe so but he just increased Congress’ taxing power.
And Andy Wilson says the Chief Justice “…rewrote the statute in order to save it…” much to the dismay of its previous supporters and lobbyists.
Not a Tax until it Was
The Supreme Court has determined that the only way the individual mandate gets to be constitutional is if it’s a tax. Let’s have a little fun listening to The White House insisting that it’s not a tax – here, here, and even after the ruling, here. If they are right, they would be lawless by the court’s reasoning, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Would it be a rude to interrupt a press conference to find out?