Category Archives: COVID-19

Uncle Sam Blew $3 Trillion on the Virus in Six Weeks

Uncle Sam, blew $3 trillion, government spending trillions on coronavirus
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Uncle Sam blew $3 trillion on the coronavirus in six weeks. But the bug is still laying waste to the economy. And the Congressional Budget Office projects a deficit of $3.7 trillion this year. What to do? Hit it with more money.

It’s Spring and the Covid Protests are in Bloom

cover-19 protests, outbreaks
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It’s spring and the Covid protests are in bloom.

So what’s it all about?

Well, it’s not about Covide-19, if that’s what you mean:

Many have compared the protests to the early days of the Tea Party movement. That comparison tracks: The anti-quarantine demonstrations are another reaction to what supporters see as inappropriate government imposition, especially in the economy, bolstered by organizations like conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks, which also aligned itself with the Tea Party. But, like the Tea Party, economic concerns are where the ideology starts, not where it ends…

Emma Grey Ellis, Wired

Covid Protests

It’s really about a lack of humility in leaders like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

There really are two Americas here: Those still getting a paycheck from government, corporations or universities, and those who are unemployed, or seeing their small businesses suffer due to shutdowns. And the America still getting paid is, so far, not showing a whole lot of sympathy for the America that isn’t.

Glenn Reynolds

And, for Vox – it’s all about white privilege.

Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant for Politics and Virus

sunlight, disinfectant, trump, virus
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Sunlight is the best disinfectant. That’s a popular phrase first uttered by Justice Louis Brandeis. He meant shining light on politicians.

But it’s not just for politicians. HHS scientist William Bryan presented the results of a coronavirus study at Thursday’s White House briefing. And the study showed a combination of sunlight and humidity to be effective against the virus. Bleach and isopropyl alcohol too.

You can see some of the findings in the chart below.

This excited the president.

And Trump, being Trump, wondered aloud if the light could be brought inside the body “through the skin or some other way.”

He continued:

And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that’s–that’s pretty powerful. 

Real Clear Politics

Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant

The makers of Lysol soon warned not to inject their product.

Too much Trump? The president took no questions at Friday’s briefing.

Phase Four of the Virus War Coming

Work, Government, people want to work, politicians want to pay them not to, corona virus
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Phase four of the virus war could include another 2 trillion to bail out states and build infrastructure.

Virus War

But John Kass thinks that’s not what people want or need right now:

Nobody in politics has been laid off.

And what of the small-business owner who doesn’t build roads? She risked everything to open her business. She went into debt. But there are no customers now, and the landlord wants the rent and the taxman is always waiting.

She doesn’t see herself as someone who Just Wants People to Die.She wants to work. She wants to live.

-John Kass, Chicago Tribune




Dismal Science of Ending the Shutdown

Trump listening to scientist and economist, dismal science
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It’s a dismal science for the governors of Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina as they re-open their states for business. And public health officials aren’t excited about the prospect. Here’s Dr. Fauci:

“We are scientists, physicians, public health officials. We’re not economists,” he said on CNN’s “New Day.” “We’re sensitive to the idea that the economy could suffer, but it was patently obvious looking at the data, that at the end of the day if we try to push back prematurely, not only would we lose lives, but it probably would even hurt the economy.”

Kevin Liptack, CNN

Dismal Science

So, how much is a life worth? Economists have a plan for that:

Economists use the Value of Statistical Life. It measures the value placed on changes that increase likelihood of death, not the value on a human life to avoid death. “It’s used in court cases when assigning damages,” Camerer said. I could make a highway a little safer at a very high cost. This is one reason economics is called the dismal science.

Quentin Fottrell, MarketWatch
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