Category Archives: banking
Twelve Steps to More Fame, Money, and Power
Thomas Sowell had another good column last week in which he asked the age old question, “why is Tiger apologizing to me?”.
Don’t Bank on Obama
The father of the underpants bomber, a retired bank chairman, tried to warn the U.S. about his terrorist son.
The prez – after delaying his Hawaii trip for the Senate’s Christmas Eve health care bill – crawled out of his golf cart today to pronounce that a “systemic failure has occurred”.
Mum on Merrill
Bank of America shareholders are not happy about being infected by Merrill Lynch’s toxic assets. Ken Lewis, the fired chairman, says Paulson and Bernanke pressured him to keep Merrill Lynch’s sickly condition secret while Bank of America acquired it. Here’s a story in Forbes and here is a WSJ editorial.