Category Archives: Culture

Mayor Mike Milks Culture War

Bloomberg, chick-fil-a, social justice warriors, cancel culture
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President Obama warned Democrats that average Americans don’t want to tear down the system. But it seems some Democratic Primary candidates do. Michael Bloomberg figures he’s just the antidote for that problem. He’s no radical. In fact he was a Republican before he identified as a Democrat. Come to think of it, he was a Democrat before transitioning to Republican. And all without surgery. He’s his own bipartisan caucus. And he’s thinking about tossing his hat in the ring.

Mayor Mike

While Bloomberg was a Republican mayor of New York he supported the police Stop and Frisk program. And the murder rate plunged from 650 a year to 300 during his reign of terror. It’s true that most of those stopped and frisked were minorities, but then so were most of the murder victims. The murder decline could be a coincidence. But what politician wouldn’t take credit for it anyway? Um, Mayor Mike wouldn’t. He apologized for supporting Stop and Frisk.

As for Chick-fil-A, its CEO Dan Cathy is an evangelical Christian. And he tries to run his business by Christian principles. One of those principles was serving the poor through donations to the Salvation Army. But that upset culture warriors. That’s because the Salvation Army holds a traditional view of marriage. Like Obama sort of did, until he didn’t.

But Chick-fil-A needs to make money to do good. So, in an effort to get the world to eat more chicken, the company trimmed the Salvation Army from its Christmas list.

Hugs Not Stopping Bullets

hugs not bullets
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Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador won election on a campaign of retreat from the war on drug cartels. HIs campaign pitch was “hugs, not bullets:”

Stable Genius Meets Austere Religious Scholar

austere religious scholar, stable genius
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The Washington Post described Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an “Austere Religious Scholar” in one much mocked headline. So they changed it. Several times.

Anyway it looks like the Very Stable Genius got the best of the Austere Religious Scholar.

Banned on Facebook

banned on facebook
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Various bad actors were banned on Facebook last week. The list includes conspiracy theorist nut jobs like Alex Jones and Louis Farrakhan.

Fired FBI chief Andrew McCabe thinks President Trump is a Russian asset. But he didn’t make the bad actor cut.

Jack Shafer in Politico says, “free speech took a whacking Thursday.” He says there are better ways to deal with the likes of Alex Jones.

Red-faced About Virginia Blackface Succession

red-faced, virginia blackface succession

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The first time I heard of Dr. Ralph Northam was when a campaign ad hit the news during his recent run for governor of Virginia. The ad portrayed Northam’s Republican opponent Ed Gillespie as a racist pervert in a pickup truck terrifying small children.

Next time I heard of the good doctor he was Governor Northam. And he was describing how a baby surviving a late term abortion would be kept comfortable while the parents and doctors decided its fate.

Then came the two guys in klan gear and blackface on his med school yearbook page. Followed by his moonwalk press conference and his confession that he dressed in blackface for a Michael Jackson dance contest. He says he won.


Red-faced Democratic elites called for his resignation. Until the next in line of succession, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, was accused of sexual assault. (Btw, he’s being represented by Brett Kavanaugh’s attorney while his accuser is represented by Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney.)

Anyway, next man up is Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring. Oops, more blackface.

Next in line? Virginia House Speaker Kirk Cox, a Republican

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