Category Archives: Culture
United Airlines Sets Pilot Quotas for 2030

United Airlines has pledged to hire more women and people of color as pilots. Is the company lowering its standards or is it not hiring the best pilots now?
The New National Pastime is Politics

Georgia’s legislature passed a law President Biden didn’t like and major league baseball agreed. Now the new national pastime is politics.
Joe Biden called Georgia’s new voter legislation a sick “Jim Crow” law. Worse even than Jim Crow. “It’s Jim Eagle!” Baseball Commissioner Bob Manfred jumped on board and moved the All Star game out of Atlanta.
Asian Discrimination Anti-Racism Issue of the Week

Joe Biden accused Trump of Asian discrimination when he banned flights from China due to the corona virus. More recently, eight innocent people were murdered in Atlanta. Six of them were Asians. And now hate against Asians is the cause of the month. It’s real alright – check out this thug in mid-day Manhattan.
But Asians are also one of the most successful minorities in America. And if we’re looking for non-violent Asian discrimination Harvard is a good place to start.
But did the Atlanta victims die because they were Asian? So far there’s not proof of it. The shooter says he’s a sex pervert with issues. Sometimes a perv is just a perv.
Don’t Shout Fire in a Crowded Theater Book Burning

Until recently restrictions on free speech seemed pretty straight forward – don’t shout “fire” in a crowded theater. But times have changed. Now you must not offend anyone in the theater either.
Dr. Marty Markay of Johns Hopkins wrote an op-ed in the WSJ explaining why we might reach herd immunity in April. Facebook apparently knows better and flagged the article as “misleading.”
Last summer the NYT booted its opinion page editor for publishing an op-ed by U.S. Senator Tom Cotton. Cotton wanted troops to put down rioting brought on by George Floyd’s death in police custody last summer. Since then armed troops and razor wire have become the preferred approach around our nation’s capitol.
Then there’s the Times treatment of Don McNeil, Amazon’s censorship of Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Pepe Le Pew and you know the rest.
There’s not much that’s written or drawn that someone won’t find offensive, so we’re burning it all. But don’t shout “fire.”
Royal Pains in Queen Oprah’s Court

Royal pains Harry and Meghan showed up at Queen Oprah’s court on CBS Sunday. The free agents, formerly known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, dissed management at their former gig with the Windsor franchise.
Their efforts to market the Sussex Royal brand apparently didn’t sit well with previous owner Queen Elizabeth II. However, they’ve come to the right place. Cashing in is always welcome with American royalty.
According to the WSJ Queen Oprah raked in $7 to $9 million for rights to the interview.