Category Archives: murder
The Case for Teenage Fights Including Knives

A Columbus police officer made a split second decision regarding teenage fights including knives. He shot and killed 16 year old Ma’Khia Bryant as the teenager was in the process of thrusting a knife into the body of another girl.
The event was tragic. And the outrage was immediate. And peculiar. Stephen L. Miller compiled a few of those responses in The Spectator:
‘Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.’
Bree Newsome, Activist
“A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability. Fight for justice.”
Valerie Jarrett, Former aid to President Obama
Meanwhile, former NAACP leader Cornell Brooks brushed it all off as “a schoolyard fight.”
Maxine Waters Gets Confrontational

Maxine Waters told protesters to get “more confrontational” if the jury delivered the wrong verdict. Fortunately, the members found Derik Chauvin guilty, guilty, guilty. But Judge Cahill says Rep. Water’s words might be grounds for appeal.
Asian Discrimination Anti-Racism Issue of the Week

Joe Biden accused Trump of Asian discrimination when he banned flights from China due to the corona virus. More recently, eight innocent people were murdered in Atlanta. Six of them were Asians. And now hate against Asians is the cause of the month. It’s real alright – check out this thug in mid-day Manhattan.
But Asians are also one of the most successful minorities in America. And if we’re looking for non-violent Asian discrimination Harvard is a good place to start.
But did the Atlanta victims die because they were Asian? So far there’s not proof of it. The shooter says he’s a sex pervert with issues. Sometimes a perv is just a perv.
Defund the Police Craze in Minneapolis

Minneapolis City Council is in recovery from last summer’s “Defund the Police” craze.
The council yanked a million dollars from the police then. Night followed day and the crime rate surged. So now they’ve approved a half million to try to patch things over. They plan to rent cops from the Metro Transit and the sheriff’s office.
Still, the city expects to “hemorrhage” 145 officers. And the police department faces a $14 million cut in the mayor’s budget proposal.
The Council President is retiring too.