Category Archives: 2020 Presidential Campaign

Steal This Election

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What makes you think Democrats would steal this election?

Michael Barone notes that Trump has grudgingly accepted defeat but hasn’t called off the legal dogs.

There’s a reason for that:

In violation of longstanding norms, Obama administration intelligence and law enforcement agencies spied on the opposition party campaign. Officials proffered the dodgy Steele dossier before the FISA court without revealing it was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

…Again and again, leading Democrats — Hillary Clinton, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the late Rep. John Lewis, Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter — called Trump an “illegitimate” president. For three years, Democrats advanced the Russia-collusion hoax without finding or producing any evidence except for the discredited Steele dossier.

Michale Barone, American Enterprise Institute

He concludes, “You reap what you sow.”

Trump Still Following Hillary’s Advice

trump continues to follow hillary's advice
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Donald Trump is still following Hillary’s advice by refusing to concede the election. His attorney general says he’s seen no widespread evidence of fraud but Trump still says the election was rigged. Especially in Georgia.

Yet he’s holding a get out the vote rally on Saturday in Georgia for a Jan. 5 Senate runoff election. It’s important because if Republicans don’t win one of the two races that day they lose control of the Senate.

Meanwhile, fraud investigators Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, and are urging voters to boycott the election.

It’s Bok Friday, Go Here for Your Holiday Needs!

Biden Booted After Losing Round with Major

biden booted, walking boot, foot fracture
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Joe Biden was booted after suffering a hairline foot fracture while playing with his dog Major. He’ll be wearing an orthopedic walking boot for a few weeks. But not the enormous plaster cast I drew. It’s tough to fit “Happy 25th Amendment” on a dinky boot.

Speaking of that, was this one small step for a 78 year old white guy, and one giant leap for an ambitious women of color? Who knows? But I don’t get many chances to sign plaster casts these days.

The String is Running Out for President Trump

the string is running out
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Like Rudy’s dripping hair dye at his press conference last week, it looks like the string is running out for President Trump. He’s allowing the transfer of power to begin.


Rudy Steals Adam Schiff’s Material

Rudy steals adam schiff's material
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There’s no evidence so far that Biden stole the election, but there’s plenty that Rudy steals Adam Schiff’s material.

Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani claimed Donald Trump won re-election in a massive landslide. But Hugo Chavez reached from the grave to snatch the victory away. At least that’s their story and it involves rigged voting machines from Canada. They offered no evidence.

But is that tale any taller than Adam Schiff’s insistence that evidence “in plain sight” proves President Trump is Putin’s secret agent?

Victor David Hanson finds it comical that the same crowd who pushed the Steele dossier is now complaining:

For the architects, abettors, and enablers of those past efforts now to accuse Trump officials of adhering to what they created on a massive scale is comic.

Victor Davis Hanson
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