Category Archives: 2020 Presidential Campaign
Republicans Lost Senate Control in Runoff Election

The Republicans lost Senate Control when both the party’s senators lost the run-off election in Georgia.
Did Joe Biden secretly hope for a Republican win? Some commentators thought it would have helped him hold the line against leftist Democrats.
Election Fraud We Can Live With

Election fraud will always be with us. At least that’s what our leaders tell us. But how much is too much? Is fraud that doesn’t affect the outcome enough to encourage faith in the system?
Mail Ballots Overwhelm Election System

Dear Mr. Santa: According to our figures some 26 million mail ballots remain outstanding from the November election. The Bad Orange Man is very unhappy. It is, however, our hope that as a U.S.P.S. contractor you will do better with the special election in Georgia.
Jan 5 is “election day” in Georgia for the U.S. Senate run-off:
But 1,471,144 have already voted as of Dec. 21. And of those, 569,504 voted by mail out of 1,321,011 mail ballots requested.
Figures provided by University of Florida Professor Michael McDonald
Hunter’s Tax Affairs Under investigation

Last week Hunter Biden let out word that his “tax affairs” are under investigation. But the AP says it’s about more than his taxes. There’s also a subpoena for documents related to Hunter’s far flung business deals,.
The New York Post first reported in October that the FBI was investigating emails on Hunter’s laptop. And the media gave the Post the back of its hand. Twitter shut down the paper’s account. Adam Schiff told Wolf Blitzer the story was Russian disinformation and NPR simply refused to cover it.

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Stacey Abrams Refused to Concede

Stacey Abrams refused to concede defeat in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race. She said the election process is “rotten and rigged.” Sound familiar?:
“Concession means to say that the process was fair, but when I run an organization that in 10 days between election night and the night I refuse to concede we receive more than 50,000 phone calls for people who were denied the right to vote I am complicit if I say that that system is fair
From the Hill, Aug. 19, 2019: WSJ Appeared in the November 12, 2020, print edition as ‘Notable & Quotable.’
The Donald couldn’t have said it better himself. As it happens, Abrams helped set the stage for Trump’s defeat in Georgia.