Category Archives: 2020 Presidential Campaign
What Would a Successful Insurrection Look Like?

What would a successful insurrection look like. Would Chief Justice Roberts sit out the inauguration like he did the second impeachment? Would the bare chested guy with the fury head and horns swear in the president on a cold January day?
Trump Voters Deprogramming Project

Katie Couric wants to deprogram 75 million Trump voters. Obviously, she hasn’t heard that their leader is a very stable genius. Still, there may be an executive order app for that.
Executive Order White House Cancel Culture

Legislation is out and executive orders are in. For example, “Pen and a Phone” President Obama signed 19 executive orders in his first 12 days. But “Human Wrecking Ball” Donald Trump canceled Obama with 18 in his first dozen days. And now a very “Un Sleepy” Joe Biden has already signed two dozen Trump crushing orders.
Senate Trial of a Former President

Mitch McConnell is ok with a Senate trial for Former President Trump. On Monday the House delivered to the Senate one article of impeachment for incitement of insurrection. Or “erection” if you’re Chuck Schumer.
So, the Senate trial of Donald Trump is on. Again. But this time Trump isn’t the president. And the purpose of a Senate trial is to remove the president. At least that’s what my copy of the constitution says. It also says that when the President is tried, the Chief Justice presides. But the presiding geezer looks suspiciously like Pat Leahy. Maybe that’s because the president isn’t being tried. I’m no constitutional scholar, I just shoot the wounded. But, as Former President Trump likes to say, we’ll see.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the The United States: But the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
U.S. Constitution Article. I. Section 3
Trump Show Closes After Four Year Run

The curtain dropped on the Trump Show January 20. And Donald Trump caught the last Air Force One flight out to Mar-A-Lago.
Later that day President Biden gave an inaugural speech about unity before 25,000 occupying National Guard troops.
That evening rioters in Portland celebrated by attacking Democratic Headquarters.