Acme Impeachment Anvil Falls on Wily Democrats

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Things haven’t worked out well for the Wily Democrats. It’s dawning on them that Joe Biden has never won a primary in his 77 years.

Then there was there was the caucus chaos in Iowa.

Elizabeth Warren’s plans to appeal to the far left seem to be losing their favor. But that’s only because Bernie Sanders, a 78 year old socialist, who’s not really a Democrat, is leading the party even further left.

The 38 year old small city Mayor Pete nips at his heels. And 78 year old humongous city Republican Mayor Mike, with billions to burn, is coming on strong. And he says he’s willing to spend whatever it takes.

Wily Democrats

Maybe Amy Klobuchar will prevail in sensible shoes.

But whatever happens, they’ll always have impeachment.

Beep! Beep!

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