Tag Archives: obama political cartoon

Business Bash

In this political cartoon by Chip Bok, Republicans misquote Barack Obama using his own words

Many Democrats are saying that Republicans are misquoting the president by using his own words. Tim Cavanaugh explains in Reason.

Defined Benefit

Funny campaign political cartoon by Chip Bok featuring Romney being defined by President Obama

In The Campaign’s Stupid Moment, Holman Jenkins says that “in defining Romney, Obama may be finally defining himself for a mystified electorate”.


Not a Tax until it Was

Political cartoon by Chip Bok shows Barack Obama taking questions on the Healthcare Mandate Tax

The Supreme Court has determined that the only way the individual mandate gets to be constitutional is if it’s a tax. Let’s have a little fun listening to The White House insisting that it’s not a tax – here, here, and even after the ruling, here. If they are right, they would be lawless by the court’s reasoning, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Would it be a rude to interrupt a press conference to find out?

Executive Privilege

 funny Obama cartoon by political cartoonist Chip Bok about executive privilege

Here’s a Rich Lowry piece about administration loquaciousness when it comes to national security secrets that make the Preezy look good but not so much for Fast and Furious.


Obama cartoon by Chip Bok shows Obama heckling Congress over rejection of Dream Act

Updated June 20:

It was a campaign stunt wrapped in an insult. The Chief Executive heckled Congress’ rejection of the Dream Act by unilaterally imposing his own Dream Act. He used a press conference to make his pronouncement. Rich Lowry says Obama has “claimed powers that literally once belonged to kings”.

This was too much for Daily Caller’s Neil Munro who had the unprecedented bad taste to heckle the president with a rude question before he was finished.

Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson defends his reporter here and Dana Milbank rebukes his friend, Carlson, here.

Actually, this isn’t the first time a president was interrupted by a reporter. I was there in 1987 when Sam Donaldson did it as Ronald Reagan spoke to a bunch of cartoonists in the Rose Garden!


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