Tag Archives: ohio state

Those Damn Catholics


130601-gee-remediation-cartoon-Ohio State president E. Gordon Gee’s geeky jokes finally got him busted.

The multimillionaire president once cracked that he hoped the multimillionaire football coach, Jim Tressel, “won’t fire me”. His comment that Ohio State doesn’t play “the Little Sisters of the Poor” put him in hot water with – the Little Sisters of the Poor. But the one Gee Gaffe too far for the board of trustees was his jab at “those Damn Catholics” at Notre Dame. He said, “the fathers are holy on Sunday but holy hell the rest of the week” and “can’t be trusted on a Thursday or Friday”.

As one of those “Damn Catholics” who roots for the Irish I really can’t quibble with Gee’s remarks. Well, maybe the one about the Little Sisters of the Poor – after all, the Buckeyes do play the Akron Zips.

As penance for his sins Dr. Gee must now be remediated. Sounds painful, but it’s just the usual college commie cant about “civility, inclusion, and collective aspiration”. In other words he’s about to become as boring as every other politically correct academic who isn’t advocating bestiality.

Update: No remediation for Gee. He’s retiring.

The Government Family Album

130509-osu-obama-speech-cartoon-In a variation on his “you didn’t build that” theme, President Obama told Ohio State grads to lose individual ambition and embrace their government. Update: Otherwise, expect an IRS audit.

He implored the new grads to reject:

“the voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s the root of all our problems…”

And while they’re at it, reject the idea of checks and balances because:

“we sometimes forget the larger bonds we share, as one American family.”

NCAA Gone Wild

Only the NCAA could make you feel sorry for today’s self-centered elite athletes.

The self-centered ruling body of college sports made a late hit on Ohio State wide receiver DeVier Posey by adding 5 more games to an earlier suspension for trading trinkets for tattoos. The latest suspension was for earning $728 “too much” at his summer job.

Taylor Branch has a great piece in the Atlantic that shows how the NCAA wormed its way into a position to conspire with big-time college coaches, athletic directors, and presidents to deny so-called “student athletes” their property rights to the share of the wealth they help generate.

The Indians got More for Manhattan


Five Ohio State football players have been suspended for the first 5 games of next season but not for the upcoming Sugar Bowl. Their offense was to trade championship rings and trinkets for tattoos.

It was tough to decide which target to fire a cartoon at. NCAA greed and hypocrisy for suspending the players, but not until after the big money Sugar Bowl? NCAA greed and hypocrisy for claiming control over the right of free people to exchange their personal property? The stupidity of the players?

It was a tough call, but I went with NCAA greed and hypocrisy number 2.

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