Tag Archives: Obama

The Ties that Bind

Big Bird is replaced by women in binders as the Obama campaign theme

Women in binders has replaced Big Bird as the campaign theme of the week.

Acts of Terror

After sincerely mentioning “acts of terror” in the rose garden, the president went on “The View” with and sincerely mentioned he was “eye candy”.

Benghazi Big Bird

Obama has been claiming that since he killed Bin Laden he has “al Qaeda on its heels”. CBS News” Lara Logan says otherwise. When Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered in a military style terror attack on 9/11, Obama blamed it on a movie. What really has him sputtering mad are Romney’s “lies” and attacks on public broadcasting.

Flipping the Big Bird

It turns out Big Bird is a Fat Cat.

Sesame Street has asked the Obama campaign to pull down an ad giving the Bird to Romney.


The president seemed to feel that debating was beneath him on Wednesday night. I guess it was.

The quote from above was related to Ryan Lizza by Patrick Gaspard in this New Yorker piece. You’ll have to read more than half the article to get to it. If you’re like me, you’d rather not, so go here to see it on Politico along with nine other of the president’s humble pronouncements.

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