Tag Archives: obama political cartoon

Fiscal Cliff Clown Car

As for the Fiscal Cliff, the President’s latest position is tax hikes now spending cuts later. Krauthammer thinks Lee got a better offer than that at Appomattox.

Press Conference

The president seemed to hold all the cards Wednesday for his first press conference in 8 months. Greg Gutfeld says Obama’s outrage over criticism of Susan Rice’s explanation of the Benghazi attack was greater than his outrage over the actual Benghazi attack.

Flexible Congratulations

Cartoon depicts Obama being congratulated by leaders from Germany, the U.K., Israel, and Russia after winning the 2012 presidential election

President Obama has a spotty record on keeping promises. Obamacare – sure. Cut the Deficit in half – not so much.

Now that he’s won re-election, let’s see if he keeps his promise to be flexible


Cartoon depicts how Romney and Obama were often in agreement about foreign policy during the debate. Romney embraces Obama

Governor Romney followed President Obama’s lead on foreign policy during much of the presidential debate Monday night. The president seemed dismayed by this, especially when Mitt stepped on his toes on the issue of “daylight between the U.S. and Israel”.

I was dismayed to miss Monday Night Football and game 7 of the NLCS.

The Ties that Bind

Big Bird is replaced by women in binders as the Obama campaign theme

Women in binders has replaced Big Bird as the campaign theme of the week.

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