Tag Archives: Democrats

Democrat Caucus Meltdown in Iowa

caucus chaos, Iowa caucus, Democrat meltdown, coding error, coding problem
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The Iowas Caucus is in chaos. Again. Democrats blamed their caucus meltdown on “coding problems.”

More Caucus Meltdown Chaos

Now they fear the DNC will kill the caucuses’ leading role in presidential elections.

Joe Biden – so far getting his ass kicked in fourth place and no delegates – once offered this advice to coal miners losing their jobs: Learn to code.

Right to Riot

Civility is one of the most absurdly abused of our political values. It is always centrally important to our functioning as a democracy — right up until the time someone proposes crossing the unions. Then, it goes from “can’t we all get along?” to “nothing to see here.”

Rich Lowry in Politico

“Moreover, it is more than slightly ironic that Democrats, the fiercely pro-choice party, reserve free choice for aborting a fetus while denying it for such matters as choosing your child’s school or joining a union.”

Krauthammer in the Washington Post

Old White Guys

Old white guy Harry Reid really did say that during the 2008 election. Another old white guy, Joe Biden, told a largely black audience last night, “they’re gonna put y’all in chains”. No wonder Democrats seem obsessed with old white guys.

Business Bash

In this political cartoon by Chip Bok, Republicans misquote Barack Obama using his own words

Many Democrats are saying that Republicans are misquoting the president by using his own words. Tim Cavanaugh explains in Reason.

Right-Wing Extremist

The NYT reports that the Obama campaign wants to define Romney as a “right-wing extremist”. Could be extremism is no vice when “The Flipper” is accused of it by Democrats.

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