Defund the Police Craze in Minneapolis

defund the police craze, Minneapolis city council
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Minneapolis City Council is in recovery from last summer’s “Defund the Police” craze.

The council yanked a million dollars from the police then. Night followed day and the crime rate surged. So now they’ve approved a half million to try to patch things over. They plan to rent cops from the Metro Transit and the sheriff’s office.

Still, the city expects to “hemorrhage” 145 officers. And the police department faces a $14 million cut in the mayor’s budget proposal.

The Council President is retiring too.



NBA drafted real players
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Well, it turns out the NBA drafted real players after all on Wednesday. Now the question is can they put real fans in the seats next season.

Dark Side of Shutdowns and a Dark Winter

dark side of shutdowns, virus, vaccine

The dark side of shutdowns includes drugs, depression and suicide. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is warning of a dark winter as a third wave of the virus washes over the earth. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Could be. Moderna and Pfizer have come with 95% effective vaccines in record time. Distribution could begin in deep dark December.

It’s Time for Unity at Home and Abroad

it's time for unity, biden, china
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It’s time for unity. And Joe Biden wants to let bygones be bygones. No hard feelings about President Trump being a Russian agent and all.

President Xi in China has even stronger feelings for unity. He’s bringing Hong Kong closer to mainland China. Much closer.

The WSJ reports Hong Kong authorities booted four pro-democracy legislators last week. And then the remaining pro-democracy contingent resigned.

Hong Kong’s fate is especially important because it shows China can’t be trusted to keep its international promises. Its treaty with the U.K. promised autonomy to Hong Kong for 50 years through 2047. It was extinguished in 2020.

The Wall Street Journal / Review & Outlook 11/12/2020

Georgia’s on Everybody’s Mind This Week

georgia's on everybody's mind, election, senate seats, runoff
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Georgia’s on everybody’s mind this week. Biden beat Trump by a nose and they’re doing a recount by hand. There’s also the runoff for two U.S. Senate Seats, with Mitch McConnell’s leadership hanging in the balance.

Meanwhile, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s General Sherman act wasn’t helpful. But it still looks like a lost cause for Donald Trump.

Oh, and the Masters is being played in November. Must be 2020.

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