Category Archives: Gitmo

Show Trial


Marc Thiessan makes the case, in the Washington Post, that the best way to protect the U.S. legal system is to keep trials for enemy combatants out of it.

A Stone’s Throw from Civilization

100823bokloresThe wisdom of the voters is hard to comprehend when the local electorate is busy stoning young couples. To their elected leader’s credit, President Karzai condemned the act of Sharia Law.

The First Thing We Do, Let’s Kill All The Lawyers


Liz Cheney wants AG Holder to name Justice Department attorneys who represented terrorists. Here’s the story in Politico.

Gitmo Propaganda


It turns out that prisoners released from Gitmo to Yemen are participating in Overseas Contingency Operations against the United States. Not only that, they’re committing Man Caused Disasters! The Commander in Chief has responded. He’s still closing Gitmo but he’ll be sending the prisoners somewhere that is not Yemen. Dr. Krauthammer analyses this here.

KSM Trial


Now that Holder has inflicted Khalid Shaikh Mohammed on the American criminal justice system we’re reminded why the military tribunals were set up in the first place – to protect the criminal justice system.

KSM was water-boarded 130 times to get information, not a conviction.

Holder is confident he can get a conviction and he wants the world to see that “we need not cower in the face of an enemy”.

If Holder is right, the world will see an American legal system convict a man who was denied a lawyer, not read his rights, tortured into a confession (according to the president of the United States), and prejudged by the president and his attorney general. Holder added that if KSM isn’t convicted he still won’t go free and Obama agrees.

Some showcase for our legal system.

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