Category Archives: Harry Reid

Koch Addict


Dana Milbank says, “The time has come to stop the denial and to admit that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a Koch problem.” The Koch (pronounced “coke”) brothers donate millions to conservative and libertarian political causes. To Harry Reid that makes them “immoral and unAmerican. He thinks they have Republicans hooked. Here’s a link to a YouTube montage posted by Washington Free Beacon in which Reid mentions the Kochs 134 times.

I think I’m developing a Harry Reid habit.

Update: Whacked out Harry chasing greased GOP pigs!

Update: Harry says Kochs caused global warming!

The Tortoise and The Harry


In the old cowboy movies range wars were fought over cows and sheep. Now they’re fought over cows and dessert tortoises.

Thanks to the Cliven Bundy standoff with BLM we learned that the federal government owns 81% of the land in Nevada. Harry Reid owns the rest. Well, not quite but it seems that way.

The 7/8 on the US not under the thumb of the BLM is the “brokest nation on earth” according to Mark Steyn:

I think it’s absurd and obnoxious that an obscure and unaccountable government agency should rule an area the size of France, Germany and Italy combined. What for? Why should the 26th largest country on earth (which the Bureau of Land Management is) be maintained in perpetuity as the world’s biggest nature preserve for the desert tortoise? The seven-eighths of the United States that isn’t under the iron rod of the BLM is the Brokest Nation in History: it wouldn’t hurt to have a little more productive land.

Speaking of Bundy, Steyn doesn’t think his racial attitudes should get the BLM off the hook.

Let’s stipulate that Cliven Bundy is a racist. Let’s also assume, if only to save time, that he’s Islamophobic, homophobic and transphobic. So what? Does that make criticizing the Bureau of Land Management “racist” or “homophobic”?

Harry Reid’s Koch Problem


I think Harry Reid is the nastiest person in Washington. To a Frank Underwood fan like me that’s a high bar to clear. Harry can leap from the muck like a depraved Flipper to clear it with ease.

In 2007 while American troops were surging in Iraq, Harry Reid, who had voted for the war, declared it “lost“. Robert Gates declared Harry’s comment one of the most disgraceful things he’d ever heard a politician say.

Like votes, disgrace only seems to encourage the leader of the Senate. He recently labeled as “all lies” the stories of millions of Americans who lost their insurance due to ObamaCare rules. And then he lied on camera about calling the stories lies!

Dirty Harry Warm and Fuzzy

The politics of personal destruction and questioning the patriotism of his opponents are all in a day’s work for Reid.

He can’t be all bad, can he? Deep down grandpa Dirty HarryHarry has a generous spirit and a soft spot for children. He recently gave his 23 year old granddaughter a $17,000 Christmas gift. With campaign funds.

Harry Reid’s Horror Stories


You like your doctor but you can’t keep him. You like your insurance but you can’t keep it. ObamaCare is a train wreck.

Koch Brother Horror Stories

These horror stories are all lies, lies, and damned lies according to cowboy poet Harry Reid. They didn’t really happen to you. They were ginned up at the un-American Brothers Koch Fairy Tale mill to send red state democrats running for cover.

Nuclear Option

131121-nuclear-optionHarry Reid pulled the trigger on the so-called Nuclear Option on Thursday. The move changed a 200 year old rule that allowed filibusters against presidential appointments. Now the Senate can confirm nominees with a simple majority. That can happen with a straight party line vote – the same way ObamaCare was passed.

As usual, hypocrisy is non-partisan here. The Republicans threatened the same thing when President Bush was having trouble getting his judicial nominations confirmed in the Senate.

Nuclear Option

Here are some strong arguments against the Nuclear Option – from Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden.

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