Category Archives: democrats

Democrat’s Suburban Shift

suburban shift

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David Montgomery at CityLab has a killer map showing suburban congressional districts represented by Democrats. They’re a big chunk of the country. And he says almost all of the 33 seats Democrats picked up on Tuesday were in suburban districts:

Democrats retook the House of Representatives on the back of a suburban surge Tuesday, remaking a once rock-ribbed Republican bastion into a Democratic stronghold.

Though some districts remained undecided Wednesday afternoon, Democrats had picked up at least 33 seats in Congress, almost all of them predominantly suburban. These suburban districts, once closely divided, are now twice as likely to be represented by a Democrat than by a Republican.​​​​​​ Democrats even lost some seats in rural areas, but picked up at least 22 seats that CityLab’s Congressional Density Indexclassifies as “sparse suburban” or “dense suburban.” Add that to Democrat gains in almost all of the remaining Republican-held districts with major urban populations and you have a new, blue majority.

Suburban Shift

Here’s what some others have to say about the Democrat’s suburban shift.

Daniel Henninger WSJ:

The reality is that Mr. Trump’s 2016 “base” included many traditional, suburban Republicans. Some voted for him, some against Hillary Clinton and some for a conservative Supreme Court majority.


Democrats have won back control of the House of Representatives, slicing through Republican-held suburbs where President Donald Trump has proven toxic to undo a Republican majority once thought to be impervious until the next round of redistricting.

Market Watch:

And Trump should be terrified that Democrat Stacey Abrams won 56% of Gwinnett County, with 920,000 people the largest suburban county in Georgia, in the state’s still-undecided governor’s race. Gwinnett rarely if ever voted Democratic for president before Hillary Clinton, who won 51%, and has grown by 115,000 people since 2010. Nearby Cobb County,with 755,000 people and Newt Gingrich’s old geographic base, gave Abrams almost 54%.

Trump Investigations

trump investigations

Click The Donald to enlarge.

Predicted waves of blue or red didn’t break on election day. Republicans extended their hold on the Senate by a seat or two but lost control of the House. That could mean more Trump investigations. And that might be enough to cause the president a little sea sickness.

He warned House Democrats against a “war-like” posture. But a peaceful Pelosi says impeachment isn’t in the cards.


Election Day House Keeping

election day house keeping

Click Donkey to enlarge.

It’s election day house keeping time. Nancy Pelosi guarantees victory. But Mike Pence says, not in our House. We’ll soon see.



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Mark Penn is a pollster and analyst. He was the chief strategist for both Bill and Hillary’s presidential campaigns. NY Magazine calls him a Trump loving “sleaze ball.”

Here’s why: He recently made the point that Trump makes promises and mostly keeps them. But Democrats only agenda is to impeach Trump.


When Civility Can Start Again


Click a pachyderm or a donkey to enlarge.

“That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

“You can be civil but you can’t overcome what they do unless you win elections.” – Hillary Clinton



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