Category Archives: 2012 presidential campaign

President Obama’s 72 Million Virgin Voters

I take a back seat to no one when it comes to behaving like a 12 year old, but then I’m not asking for the keys to Air Force One.

If you’re interested, here are links to the president’s “bullshitter” comment, the Lena Dunham “lose your voting virginity to Obama” ad, a Rich Lowry column on the same, and a really creepy kid hymn that is so over the top it almost makes you wonder if a Romney department of dirty tricks produced it.


Ohio Trick or Treat

Trick or treat cartoon. Couple answers door and say "how cute, you must be Romney and Obama."

Need an errand run for you in Ohio? Call a presidential candidate. Time puts it this way – “Ohio isn’t just ground zero in the Electoral College. It’s also an epicenter for one of the biggest ad binges in history. The campaigns have forked over $177 million to win Ohio, more than any other state, according to an NBC analysis.”

Currency Manipulators

President Obama and Governor Romney discuss China and United States currency manipulation.

There’s not much daylight between the candidates when it comes to protectionism either. Romney complained about Chinese currency manipulation in the debate. Obama one upped him by bragging …”Now with respect to what we’ve done with China already, U.S. exports have doubled since I came into office, to China and actually currencies are at their most advantageous point for U.S. exporters since 1993″.

Here is James Grant, of Grants Interest Rate Observer, on Bloomberg last August saying the Fed needs to get out of the central planning business.

Udate: Here’s Mary Anastasia O’Grady in Mondays WSJ on Ben Bernanke: Currency Manipulator.


Cartoon depicts how Romney and Obama were often in agreement about foreign policy during the debate. Romney embraces Obama

Governor Romney followed President Obama’s lead on foreign policy during much of the presidential debate Monday night. The president seemed dismayed by this, especially when Mitt stepped on his toes on the issue of “daylight between the U.S. and Israel”.

I was dismayed to miss Monday Night Football and game 7 of the NLCS.

Fact Check

Editorial cartoon of man standing in front of pub holding sign viewed by passers by

Fact checking used to be called reporting. Here’s some from last night’s debate: bayonets, apology tour, sequestration, and everything else.

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