Category Archives: cartoons
Victory Tea Party
Mitch McConnell stomped his Tea Party primary opponent on Tuesday. The Daily Beast says the Tea Party is “losing battles but winning the war” by pulling establishment Republicans their way.
Happy Meals Ready to Eat
In an effort to stem Russian aggression the United States is arming Ukraine with Meals Ready to Eat (MRE). On another front, our hashtag assault was hijacked by the Russians who adopted the same hashtag #UnitedforUkraine on their tweets. LOL.
Or don’t laugh. It might be working. Putin claims to have pulled back. Maybe he doesn’t need to invade. Pro-Russian separatists in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine held a referendum and claim 90% voted for secession.
Putin was so happy he scored six goals. No word if the goalie was from Donetsk.
Benghazi Select Committee
Trey Gowdy will is ringmaster for the House select committee on Benghazi. Republicans on previous committees haven’t been able to resist the TV cameras.
Waiving the Individual Mandate for Sainthood
Four popes, two living and two not so much, gathered at the Vatican on Sunday for a papal Hall of Fame induction. The wildly popular and beloved Pope Francis canonized the wildly popular and beloved Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. It was a two for one not seen since the middle ages. The brains of the operation, emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, assisted. Daily Beast called it a Pope-a-polooza.
John Paul II ended communism. John XXIII ended meatless Fridays. They’ve been called bookends of the Second Vatican Council
Individual Mandate for Sainthood Waivers
John Paul II took the High Speed Escalator to Heaven when Benedict XVI waived the 5 year saintly waiting period. Francis greased the skids for John XXIII by granting a waiver of the two miracle mandate for sainthood.
Here’s Peggy Noonan capturing the sweeping grandeur of the event. And here is Maureen Dowd capturing the sweeping under the rug of the priest sex abuse scandals.
Tale of Two Pulitzers
ABC News president Ben Sherwood had the bad form to complain about being denied a Pulitzer Prize. Television isn’t even eligible for the prizes. They’re awarded to newspapers and digital outlets. Is a TV network’s digital site eligible? Beats me.
Anyway, Sherwood sent a 4 page letter to the Center For Public integrity demanding that ABC reporter Brian Ross be cut in for a share of CPI‘s prize. The reporting was about a doctor/lawyer conspiracy to deprive black lung victims of medical benefits.
Last I heard from Brian Ross he was busy mis-identifying James Holmes, the Denver theater psycho killer, as a Tea Party member.
Two Pulitzers
Meanwhile, Ed Snowden and Vlad Putin were overlooked by the Pulitzer Committee for an award shared by The Washington Post and The Guardian. The two papers were honored for stories detailing NSA spying. The snubbed Snowden, hero or traitor, depending on your point of view, did the basic reporting by stealing information from the NSA. Putin, a renowned New York Times columnist and famous Russian hockey player, is Snowden’s patron.