Category Archives: cartoons

UNCF and Koch Brothers

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The hated Koch brothers give out a lot of money to libertarian-conservative causes. They also give a lot of money to hospitals, schools, symphonies, ballets, and the UNCF. Those on the receiving end usually don’t question their motives. They say, “thanks”, and spend the money.


Some left leaning organization, however, are all about questioning motives. When the Brothers Koch gave $25 million to the United Negro College Fund, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees demanded they give it back.

Instead, the UNCF said, “thanks” and accepted the gift. The AFSCME then decided a “mind isn’t such a terrible thing to waste” after all, and severed ties with UNCF.

Republicans Beat LeBron to Cleveland


Republicans see something Lebron James didn’t. They’re coming to Cleveland for their 2016 national convention.

If Republicans are betting a Cleveland convention will reel in Ohio’s 18 electoral votes, Al Hunt at Bloomberg might be happy to take a little of that action:

History, however, suggests the convention venue usually has little bearing on the outcome. The last four Republican conventions have been held in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), New York (New York City), Minnesota (St. Paul) and Florida (Tampa.) The Republican candidate failed to carry those states in each of those general elections.

Anyway, Cleveland is thrilled to have the convention but it still hasn’t forgotten about LeBron. The current front menu page of the Plain Dealer has 2 links to convention stories and 3 links to James stories.

Messin’ with Obama

140630-messin-with-obamaLast week, in Minnesota, President Obama complained that Republicans were “messin”” with him and “calling him names“. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a president say that before. Well, maybe one time. Here‘s President Obama last year.

The constitutional lawyer-in-chief added on Monday that the failure of Congress to get on board with his agenda would be justification for him to further go it alone.

Messin’ with Obama

This came after a week of of being rebuked by the Supreme Court for executive overreach.

Smug Koskinen and a Smidgen of Corruption

140624-kosinen-smidgen-corruptionIRS Commissioner John Koskinen smugly insisted there isn’t a smidgen of corruption at the IRS. Oh wait, those were President Obama’s smug words. Koskinen smugly insisted he’s never been called a liar before.

He must have meant before he promised to produce Lois Lerner’s emails. Emails he knew at the time were missing.

Michael Gerson says IRS has, “undermined respect for authority. And it doesn’t seem even to understand the damage it has done”.

Well, they’re not the only ones. A year ago EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson conducted official business on an email account under the alias of Richard Windsor. Clever, no? She gave herself an ethics award for the scam. Windsor is now a fat cat at Apple, where Climate Change skeptic shareholders have been told to get lost.

The governing class is losing its fear of humans. Is it too late to yank the chain?

To Victor Davis Hanson the federal government has evolved into a sort of a “rogue organism”.

Add up these various alphabet-soup pathologies — well apart from the NSA, AP, and Benghazi debacles. Government agencies are now eager to venture into areas well beyond their mandates. They will use any means necessary to further the careers of their executives, massage data to enhance the administration’s agenda, or simply abdicate their responsibility to enforce the law at all if it is found to be politically incorrect.

In other words, we are witnessing a new federal government that is a sort of rogue organism that exists for its own enhancement and is willing to do anything necessary to help those who help it.

Saving Private Ryan

140606-saving-private-ryanMad Magazine did a great satire on the Saving Private Ryan movie poster. It was titled Trading Private Bergdahl “they got five taliban leaders, we got one deserting weasel”.

In the actual movie, a Lincoln channeling General George Marshall gives orders to find Private Ryan. The hapless job falls to platoon leader Captain Miller.

During the search, Miller has to decide whether to keep a German prisoner or press on to find Ryan. He releases the Jihadi, er German, only to have come back later in the flick and kill one of his men.

When they finally find Ryan, Miller tells him all his brothers have been killed in battle and he has orders to bring him home. Ryan refuses saying the men he is with are his brothers now and he won’t leave them behind. Not exactly a Private Bergdahl moment, but hey, it’s a movie.

Even though they’re way outnumbered by the Germans, Captain Miller and his men stay, and they all get killed. Not really, but Captain Miller does. Miller’s dying words to Private Ryan are, “earn this”.

Saving Private Ryan

To further prove life is unfair, Private Ryan lost out to Shakespeare in Love for Best Picture in 1998.

Anyway, I thought this might be a good way to mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day.


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