Category Archives: health insurance
Can the Government Make you Buy Broccoli?
Machine Politics
None of us is free until the lowliest contraceptive is free. Or something like that. Senator Patty Murray explains why the lack of a free lunch, contraceptive-wise, amounts to a Republican attack on women.
Speaking of free lunch, no doubt you’ve heard about the HHS Bureaucrat who made a North Carolina 4 year old eat chicken nuggets instead of the healthy turkey sandwich, banana, and apple juice the child’s mother had packed. Except it may not be completely true. Which is unfortunate, because I got up at 4 a.m. to draw this. It turns out a teacher may have served up the nuggets. Here’s the Carolina Journal with the full corrected story. I think.
Backing away from his birth control encyclical, Obama now says that Catholic institutions don’t have to offer free contraception, their insurance companies do. Paul Ryan calls that an “accounting trick”.
For his next trick the president released a budget on Monday that Ryan says “ignores the drivers of our debt, bringing America perilously close to a European-style crisis”.
Catholics don’t want the president telling them to ignore church teaching, they can do it on their own.
Pope a Dope
The president’s been busy making recess appointments, even though Congress wasn’t in recess, and ordering the Catholic Church to violate its beliefs by providing free contraceptives to its employees.