Category Archives: United Kingdom

Obama Bahama


As students ask Barack Obama to open the White House for Spring Break, Michelle Obama says "let em go the The Bahamas."The Obama girls are spring breaking at Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas. It’s the fourth Obama vacation of the new year. Meanwhile the White House remains closed to school children on spring break.

One link down on the royal food chain, Joe Biden blew half a million a night on hotels in London and Paris plus $320,000 on carfare – about the same amount the senate barber shop loses every year.

John Stossel thinks Washington has become an imperial city. He claims that 43% of the top 1% live in the Washington area, feeding off taxpayers. “It’s very much like Versailles before the French Revolution,” says historian John Steele Gordon

Flying Squirrel

London 2012 Olympics editorial cartoon about all-around gymnastics Gold winner Gabby Douglas by cartoonist Chip Bok

The London 2012 Olympics has become, in many ways, a no free speech zone in order to protect the branding rights of “approved global sponsors”. Here’s a helpful list of words to avoid.


Megrahi has died, three years after being released from prison in Scotland on “compassionate grounds” because he had only three months to live due to prostate cancer.

Flash Mob

We’ve gone from flash bulbs to flash mobs in short order. Already the new mobs aren’t what they used to be. Of course, they’ve gone global too. Here’s Mark Steyn’s grim view.

Slapstick Scandal

Mrs. Murdoch slapped silly her husband’s Parliament pie assailant yesterday. No word on whether the guy smuggled the fully assembled shaving creme concoction in his pants or if he assembled it on site. In any case he managed to achieve the impossible – not by outsmarting security – but by turning Murdoch into a victim, for a moment.

David Cameron is now calling for more media regulation. Here’s an LA Times editorial.

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