Category Archives: Iraq

Doctored Intelligence


Two weeks ago the NYT reported that intelligence analysts claim their superiors at Centcom doctored their reports to make ISIS appear more jv than varsity.

Daily Beast says more than “50 spies claim intelligence was cooked”.

Former CIA analyst, Fred Fleitz in National Review, wants to know where the rest of the intelligence community is. He thinks this is only a tip of the iceberg.

Infamy II

Infamy IIInfamy II was my cartoon in the Akron Beacon Journal on September 12, 2001.

Refugees Responsibility

150910-denali-refugeesIBD says that McKinley was our first colonialist president. Obama is our first anti-colonialist president. That explains why Mt. Mckinley is now just Denali. Nobody got hurt, except for some feelings here in Ohio.




The unraveling of colonial arrangements in the Middle East has been less benign. Refugees are flooding Europe.

The White House announced yesterday that it would accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming year. John Kerry says the US might take up to 100,000 total refugees this year. A Washington Post editorial complains that’s less than half the number from our last big bug out – Vietnam in the 70’s.


Hillary’s Classified Comments

150903-classifiedMark Thiessen quotes Dave Barry:

“when your opponent is obviously right and you are spectacularly wrong.” The answer, he wrote, is simple: “Compare your opponent to Adolf Hitler.”

Thiessen says that’s what Hillary did when she accused The Donald of wanting to round up illegal immigrants and ship them off in box cars.

Hillary went on to compare Republicans who oppose abortion as terrorists.

She also says that if there were classified email messages on her secret server she didn’t know about it because they weren’t marked classified.

Iranian Conventional Arms Embargo

150715-iranian-conventional-arms-embargoAs part of the Obama nuclear agreement, Iran made a last minute pitch to end the conventional arms embargo. Grinning Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif got what he wanted and more. The deal calls for the E.U. to also lift sanctions on the Iranian Republican Guard and the Quds Force.

At least 500 Americans were killed in Iraq by Iranian made Explosively Formed Penetrators. EFP’s are a more sophisticated version of improvised explosive devices or IED’s.

Frederick Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute explains here “Why They’re Cheering in Tehran”.


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