Category Archives: Celebrity

The Donald Still Feels The Judge Has it In For Him

The Donald still feels the judge has it in for him

The federal government has sued Trump University for fraud. Donald Trump is taking heat for calling the judge in the case a Mexican. Judge Curiel was born in Indiana. The Donald still feels the judge has it in for him. Curiel is ethnically Hispanic and a member of La Raza.

Jim Geraghty in National Review says Curiel doesn’t appear to be an activist.

Ben Stein says judges aren’t above bias and that Trump is “totally right”.

Democrats and some Republicans are calling him racist.

Stuart Taylor thinks the really troubling thing is that Trump seemed to threaten the judge with the power of the presidency if he is elected.

In 2010 President Obama said Latinos should “punish our enemies and reward our friends.” He also scolded Supreme Court justices during a State of the Union speech for the Citizens United ruling.


Muhammad Ali’s Best Years

best yearsMuhammad Ali gave up the best years of his boxing career for something he believed in. He refused induction into the army during the Vietnam war. By the early 70’s most of the country was on his side and he became the greatest ever.

That made me think of Bob Feller and Ted Williams. They gave up the best years of their baseball careers for something they believed in – fighting WWII. They became heroes too.

I thought I might make something out of that in a cartoon but settled for this.

I’m sure it’s a little theologically dubious – a Muslim, a Christian, and a Jew meet at the Pearly Gates…


Hillary’s Nuclear Codes Words

nuclear codes

Hillary attacked The Donald in a major foreign policy speech. She said he’s temperamentally unfit to be president:

“Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different, they’re dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies,” she said. “He is not just unprepared. He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility.”

Not only that…

“He should not have the nuclear codes because it’s very easy to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin. We cannot let him roll the dice with America.”

On the other hand, due to her failure to secure top secret material on her private server, Judge Napolitano thinks Hillary is likely guilty of espionage.

Cincinnati King Kong

king kong

In the latest remake of King Kong, Harambe The Gorilla played the great ape role admirably and the four year old boy filled in nicely for Fay Wray, Jessica Lange, or Naomi Watts as you prefer.

The misunderstood gorilla and bad old humans theme remains popular. But not everyone is all blubbery about Harambe’s demise. Steelers linebacker Vince Williams tweeted that he’s better off dead than in Cincinnati.

Media Trump Loves to Hate

media trump loves to hate

Donald Trump calls news shows to be interviewed. He never turns down a microphone. The media can’t resist him and now he’s the Republican presumptive nominee.

Media Trump Loves to Hate

But it’s media Trump loves to hate. He calls them dishonest and disgusting. (He’s right if he’s talking about Katie Couric’s gun documentary.) Yesterday he called ABC reporter Tom Llamas a sleaze.

Charles Hurt thinks Trump’s a marketing genius. He turned yesterday’s press conference into a 40 minute free campaign commercial about money he raised for veterans.

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