Category Archives: Celebrity
Elon Musk Moon
Was bored with Trump and Russians when I came upon this piece in the Telegraph. It’s about the private space race. Elon Musk is the owner of Space X. His company plans to send tourists to the moon in 2018. His other company is Tesla.
He’ll be competing for the $20 million Google Lunar X prize. The competition includes a team featuring an Audi lunar rover.
Fake Oscars
Payback was hell at the Oscars. Variety pins the blame on a PricewaterhouseCoopers executive named Brian Cullinan. But I suspect Russian hackers.
Buy Ivanka Dresses Or Else
When Nordstrom dropped Ivanka Trump’s fashion line, President Trump tweeted. He accused the company of treating his daughter unfairly.
Trump isn’t the first president to defend his daughter. A Washington Post music critic once gave Margaret Truman a bad review for a singing performance. Her father, President Harry Truman, gave him hell:
In response to Washington Post Music Critic Paul Hume’s December 6, 1950, review of Margaret Truman’s singing performance at Constitution Hall, stating,
“Miss Truman is a unique American phenomenon with a pleasant voice of little size and fair quality (she) cannot sing very well is flat a good deal of the time�more last night than at any time we have heard her in past years � has not improved in the years we have heard her � (and) still cannot sing with anything approaching professional finish.”
President Truman responded with the following letter to Hume:
Dec. 6, 1950
Mr. Hume:
I’ve just read your lousy review of Margaret’s concert. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are an “eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.”
It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful. When you write such poppy-cock as was in the back section of the paper you work for it shows conclusively that you’re off the beam and at least four of your ulcers are at work.
Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!
Pegler, a gutter snipe, is a gentleman alongside you. I hope you’ll accept that statement as a worse insult than a reflection on your ancestry.
Tom Brady Jersey Caper LI
Not a bad Super Bowl. Mary Katherine Hamm says Lady Gaga and Tom Brady made America great again. Somebody else made off with a Tom Brady jersey. It’s on Amber alert. Other than that, Mary Katherine called it great art and great sport.
Hitler Unhinged
Some on the unhinged left are confusing President Trump with Hitler. Chris Matthews joined the party, calling Trump’s inaugural speech Hitlerian. At least he didn’t draw a mustache on him.
When Dan Quayle compared himself to JFK during the 1988 vice presidential debate his opponent Senator Lloyd Bentsen dissed him by saying, “I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, You’re no Jack Kennedy.”