Monthly Archives: January 2012

Whiz Kids

Four marines were photographed taking a leak on dead Taliban. Hillary finds it deplorable. Apparently, however, this will not dampen our efforts to give more money to Afghanistan.


Even cartoonists know old inefficient businesses need to be destroyed to make way for new and better things. Otherwise we’d be drawing on cave walls instead of computers.

Green Finger

This cartoon was drawn in 2004 by my nephew, Matt Carey. Matt passed away last week. He was 30 years old. He leaves behind a beautiful baby daughter, Ellie, wife, Kimberly, and stepdaughter, Whitney.

While at the University of Kentucky Matt drew cartoons for the student newspaper, the Kentucky Kernel. He was a good cartoonist and hoped to make a living at his craft but held a real job as a hedge.

The family suspected Matt would be a cartoonist when, at a young age, he painted his little brother Jimmy green. Jimmy laughed.

Mahervelous Performance

Tebow is the Family Circus of football – hated by sophisticates, loved by millions. Sophisticate-in-Chief, Bill Maher, took it on the chin by the numbers.

Cuts and Pull-Outs

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