Category Archives: Housing

Bye Bye, Barney

We won’t have Barney Frank to kick around any more and vice versa – here’s Dana Milbank on Barney the Bully.

This was inspired by one of my favorite Don Wright cartoons. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find a link to it. The cartoon featured a Vietnamese family standing in a landscape of bomb craters waving thanks to American jets as they flew away at the end of the war.

I’ve always considered Barney Frank just as much a friend to the poor as we were to the Vietnamese.

Newt Loot

As surprise front-runner Newt Gingrich begins unpacking his baggage in Iowa the first item up for inspection is his $1.8 million dollar punched ticket on the Freddie Mac gravy train.

The figures in the chart for Franklin Raines and James Johnson are from IBD. Gorelick’s $26 mil came from CNSnews.




Here’s a WP discussion about why a foreclosure moratorium would prevent house values from finding a bottom.

There’s no moratorium on the political race to the bottom. The Real Clear Politics average poll value of Congress is 20.5% approve 72.8% disapprove.

Early Warning System


Gordon Crovitz shows how John Paulson saw the housing crash coming and told the investment world about it through the complicated financial gadget he conjured up with Goldman Sachs. Click here for his column in the WSJ.

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