Tag Archives: political cartoons 2013

Same Sex Supreme Court

Justice Kennedy addresses Supreme Court saying "here's your chance to do for gay marriage what Roe v Wade did for abortion."Justice Kennedy isn’t homophobic, he’s Roe v Wade-phobic. He think’s “a democracy should not be dependent for its major decisions on what nine unelected people from a narrow legal background have to say”.

Which is what happened in the Roe v Wade decision. Attitudes toward abortion were already changing and Justice Ginsburg says the court went “too far and too fast in removing the issue from the political process. Anger and frustration rages over abortion today with many attitudes shifting back the other way.

But nobody likes an abortion. Everybody loves a wedding.

Fiscal Sacrifice


Obama gets off Air Force One with Fiscal Cliff deal in hand


The president came to Washington, demanded shared sacrifice, got his fiscal cliff deal and returned to Hawaii. According to Bloomberg taxes will go up for 77.1 percent of American families. The Congressional Budget Office says the deal will cost $4 trillion over the next decade. Spending cuts? … Maybe later. Kevin O’brien has a nice rant about that here.

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