Tag Archives: Koch Brothers

UNCF and Koch Brothers

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The hated Koch brothers give out a lot of money to libertarian-conservative causes. They also give a lot of money to hospitals, schools, symphonies, ballets, and the UNCF. Those on the receiving end usually don’t question their motives. They say, “thanks”, and spend the money.


Some left leaning organization, however, are all about questioning motives. When the Brothers Koch gave $25 million to the United Negro College Fund, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees demanded they give it back.

Instead, the UNCF said, “thanks” and accepted the gift. The AFSCME then decided a “mind isn’t such a terrible thing to waste” after all, and severed ties with UNCF.

Harry Reid’s Koch Problem


I think Harry Reid is the nastiest person in Washington. To a Frank Underwood fan like me that’s a high bar to clear. Harry can leap from the muck like a depraved Flipper to clear it with ease.

In 2007 while American troops were surging in Iraq, Harry Reid, who had voted for the war, declared it “lost“. Robert Gates declared Harry’s comment one of the most disgraceful things he’d ever heard a politician say.

Like votes, disgrace only seems to encourage the leader of the Senate. He recently labeled as “all lies” the stories of millions of Americans who lost their insurance due to ObamaCare rules. And then he lied on camera about calling the stories lies!

Dirty Harry Warm and Fuzzy

The politics of personal destruction and questioning the patriotism of his opponents are all in a day’s work for Reid.

He can’t be all bad, can he? Deep down grandpa Dirty HarryHarry has a generous spirit and a soft spot for children. He recently gave his 23 year old granddaughter a $17,000 Christmas gift. With campaign funds.

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