Tag Archives: abortion

Guns and Abortion


130422-abortion-guns-cartoon-The Roe v Wade decision of 1973 established a woman’s constitutional right not to bear children. The constitutional right to bear arms was ratified by 3/4 of the states in 1791.

As the president would say, the public’s views have “evolved” on social issues. People are becoming more tolerant of homosexuality in general and same sex marriage in particular. Ten states plus the District of Columbia now recognize same sex marriage.

Abortion is trickier. According to a Quinnipiac poll 63% still support the Roe v Wade decision. Yet in a USA Today Poll only 28% believe it should always be legal, 52% say sometimes legal, and 18% never legal. Eighty percent feel it should never be legal in the last trimester of pregnancy – Dr. Gossnell’s sweet spot.

Unfortunately, that last trimester is also the sweet spot for politicians like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. While scolding the gun lobby’s “willfull lies”, the president blindly supports an abortion lobby that leads to barbaric practices like Dr. Gossnell’s.

(Journalists have been shamed into providing more coverage of the case.)

Same Sex Supreme Court

Justice Kennedy addresses Supreme Court saying "here's your chance to do for gay marriage what Roe v Wade did for abortion."Justice Kennedy isn’t homophobic, he’s Roe v Wade-phobic. He think’s “a democracy should not be dependent for its major decisions on what nine unelected people from a narrow legal background have to say”.

Which is what happened in the Roe v Wade decision. Attitudes toward abortion were already changing and Justice Ginsburg says the court went “too far and too fast in removing the issue from the political process. Anger and frustration rages over abortion today with many attitudes shifting back the other way.

But nobody likes an abortion. Everybody loves a wedding.

Pope a Dope

The president’s been busy making recess appointments, even though Congress wasn’t in recess, and ordering the Catholic Church to violate its beliefs by providing free contraceptives to its employees.

Heinous Words


The murder of Dr. George Tiller was an act of terrorism designed to intimidate others who perform late term abortions, sometimes on viable fetuses. When Obama started talking about heinous acts of violence I didn’t know if he was talking about Dr. Tiller’s murder or his job description.

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