Republicans Lost Senate Control in Runoff Election

The Republicans lost Senate Control when both the party’s senators lost the run-off election in Georgia.
Did Joe Biden secretly hope for a Republican win? Some commentators thought it would have helped him hold the line against leftist Democrats.
Election Fraud We Can Live With

Election fraud will always be with us. At least that’s what our leaders tell us. But how much is too much? Is fraud that doesn’t affect the outcome enough to encourage faith in the system?
The Very Bad Year in Cartoons: Best of Bok 2020
Wheel out the Old, Rush in the New

As we wheel out the old year help is on the way. The new year comes with a new vaccine for the new corona virus. Thanks to the old president’s warp speed program. By the way, he’s slow wheeling his way out too.
Stinking Dumpster Fire Hot Mess of a Year Finally Leaves

The stinking dumpster fire hot mess of year made its way to the exits last night, terrifying everyone along the way.