Dr. Seuss Gets White Trashed on his Birthday

Our woke betters took out the white trash again this week. Dr. Seuss Enterprises has decided to stop publishing six of his books due to racial imagery. Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia sounded the alarm over the weekend. The district is discouraging reading Dr. Seuss on “Read Across America Day”. But they insist they did not cancel the good doctor:
Research in recent years has revealed strong racial undertones in many books written/illustrated by Dr. Seuss. Examples include anti-Japanese American political cartoons and cartoons depicting African-Americans for sale captioned with offensive language.”
Due to this research, as well as what LCPS described as its ongoing focus on “equity and culturally responsive instruction,” schools were advised to refrain from strictly linking Read Across America Day festivities with the birthday of Dr. Seuss, which also lands on March 2.
Loudoun County Public Schools statement
Dr. Seuss research? They’re just following the science.
Climate Czar Latest Personal Perk for Treasury Sec
Vaccine Equity Market Crashes in Complexity

Got Coronavirus vaccine? If not, you might lack vaccine equity. Politico reports more whites than blacks proportionally are getting shots. And essential workers are moving to the front of the line. But vaccine equity gets tricky. Does a 40-something diabetic move ahead of his 50-something nurse? Distribution has been slow.
One thing is certain, age is a factor. Most of the half million dead were elderly.
So, Connecticut is going another way – distribution by age:
I’m going to focus on the old business motto, KISS: Keep it simple, stupid — because a lot of complications result from states that tried to finely slice the salami and it got very complicated to administer
Ned Lamont, Governor of Connecticut
Pandemic is Excuse Power Brokers Waiting For

The global pandemic is the excuse the left has been waiting for to vastly expand its control. Power brokers in government, the media and corporate America have consistently invoked often-shifting science, which must never be questioned, to impose coercive policies that diminish individual freedom while increasing dependence on government.
J. Peder Zane, Real Clear Politics
We Were Afraid Data Would be Used Against Us

We froze because we were afraid the data was going to be used against us.
Melissa DeRosa, Top aid to NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
Governor Cuomo had ordered coronavirus patients into NYC nursing homes. And almost 15,000 seniors died. But the state only reported 8,500 deaths.
New York Attorney General Letitia James reported that the governor had undercounted the state’s COVID-related nursing home deaths by nearly 4,000, making the true nursing home resident death toll about 40 percent higher than Cuomo’s administration claimed. Then, Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admitted during a private conference call with Democrats that the administration had covered up the true death toll, afraid of provoking a Department of Justice investigation.
Liz Wolfe, Reason
And now he’s accused of sexual harassment.