Category Archives: Bush

Staying Power

President Obama has continued many Bush policies, from Gitmo, to Iraq, and expanding the war in Afghanistan. He draws the line, however, at withdrawal from golf.

Dawg Pound


Obama threw a bone to the friendly crowd at the Milwaukee Laborfest on Monday. He yelped that his critics talk about him like a dog. Is he the Big Dog or Big Labor’s lap dog? Speaking of man’s best friend, Tony Blair, in his new book, says Bush has more integrity than nearly every other leader he has met.

The Big Dawg visits Cleveland today. Should be a howl.

Nobody Happy



100824bokloresThere’s not much question who was in the driver’s seat when the economy first went off-road. Bush careered between the Bear Sterns bail-out, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac takeover, loans to AIG and GM, and the 700 billion dollar TARP. (Go here for an excellent bail-out timeline by ProPublica.) (And here’s the story in a Nov. 2008 cartoon). Obama then grabbed the wheel and put the pedal to the metal with the 800 billion dollar stimulus. At that point Krauthammer says, “Obama bought the economy”.

The First Thing We Do, Let’s Kill All The Lawyers


Liz Cheney wants AG Holder to name Justice Department attorneys who represented terrorists. Here’s the story in Politico.

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