Category Archives: Bush
Bush Lied Thousands Died
It turns out that Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction when President Bush invaded Iraq. It’s just that they were old weapons the NYT reports. Whatever their age some of the weapons are now in the hands of ISIS and may have been used against the Kurds.
Professor Victor Davis Hanson points out that President Obama is now preemptively bombing ISIS. As usual he’s not asking Congress for approval. He’s relying on Bush’s 12 year old congressional authorization.
Wartime President
The man elected to “end war” has become a wartime president.
In a UN speech on Wednesday President Obama called the civilized world to arms against the barbarians. He sounded positively Bushian.
There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. So the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death.
Axis of Evil anyone? Dana Milbank thinks so.
The WSJ (The Latest Mideast Breakdown) said he sounded like a “Nobel Peace Prize winner mugged by reality”.
Is the Caliphate Islamic?
Is the Pope Catholic?
President Obama says the Islamic State isn’t Islamic. The Washington Post says “Americans disagree” and has nifty charts and polls to prove it. Daniel Pipes disagrees too. The Middle East scholar says ISIS is “100% Islamic”.
Dennis B. Ross says, in the NYT, that ISIS is Islamist and “Islamists are not our friends”.
What the Islamists all have in common is that they subordinate national identities to an Islamic identity.
Peggy Noonan (click The Genocide of the Mideastern Christians – WSJ) says the Islamic State is “de-Christianising the Mideast where Christianity began”.
An estimated two-thirds of the Christians of Iraq have fled that country since the 2003 U.S. invasion. They are being driven from their villages in northern Iraq. They are terrorized, brutalized, executed. This week an eyewitness in Mosul, which fell to Islamic State in June, told NBC News the jihadists were committing atrocities. In Syria, too, they have executed Christians for refusing to convert.
Update: John Kerry is putting “the real Islam out there”.
Andrew Wilson in The American Spectator calls Obama’s claim “the grossest nonsense”.
Under Mohammed, Islam began as a religion of conquest. A commitment to wage jihad or holy war and to “smite the necks” of unbelievers has been part of Islam from the earliest days. In the 100 years following Mohammed’s death in AD 632, when Islam was still confined to the Arabian peninsula, Arab armies spread the faith as far west as Spain and as far east as northern India and the frontier of China.
Worst President
In a Quinnipiac Poll President Obama edged out George W. Bush and Richard Nixon in voting for the worst president since WWII. That covers a lot of ground when you consider the competition.
Peggy Noonan thinks the president is a weirdo.
But I’m not sure people are noticing the sheer strangeness of how the president is responding to the lack of success around him. He once seemed a serious man. He wrote books, lectured on the Constitution. Now he seems unserious, frivolous, shallow. He hangs with celebrities, plays golf. His references to Congress are merely sarcastic: “So sue me.” …
It is weird to have a president who has given up. So many young journalists diligently covering this White House, especially those for whom it is their first, think what they’re seeing is normal.
It is not. It is unprecedented and deeply strange. And, because the world is watching and calculating, unbelievably dangerous.
Light Bulb Ban
It’s 2014 and, thanks to President Bush, the creation of incandescent light bulbs is now banned.
Will mercury contamination from EPA mandated fluorescent lightbulbs become the lead paint issue of the future?
Light Bulb Ban
A story in the Washington Examiner blames the light bulb ban on a conspiracy between big makers of the low margin bulbs and government.