Category Archives: Bush

Really Cool Things

151031-really-cool-thingsAccording to Politico, “Jeb Bush has had it with you.” Maureen Dowd thinks that Trump has gotten into Jeb’s head.

A week ago, Jeb griped “I’ve got a lot of really cool things I could do other than sit around, being miserable…”

Dowd says, “we all know he doesn’t.”



150619trumpDonald Trump threw his combover into the presidential ring this week. Kevin Williamson of National Review didn’t seem impressed. He called him a “witless ape” and an “ass”:

…grunting like a baboon about our country’s “brand” and his own vast wealth…

Trump did point to his wealth as a qualification. Williamson pointed to Trump’s bankruptcies:

The Trump conglomerate is the Argentina of limited-liability companies, having been in bankruptcy as recently as 2009. To be sure, a lot of companies went bankrupt around then. The Trump gang went bankrupt in 2004, too, and in 2001.

Then Williamson brought up another rich guy who financed his own campaign and caused a Bush to lose to a Clinton:

We’ve been to this corner of Crazytown before. If we’re going to have a billionaire dope running for the presidency, I prefer Ross Perot and his cracked tales of Vietnamese hit squads dispatched to take him out while Lee Atwater plotted to crash his daughter’s wedding with phonied-up lesbian sex pictures.


Knowing What We Know Now

150519-knowing-what-we-know-nowMegyn Kelly asked Jeb Bush if, knowing what we know now, he would have supported the invasion of Iraq. It would be a great question to ask Hillary Clinton since, as a Senator, she voted for the war. Alas, Hillary is above questioning so Megyn’s question is only being asked of Republican candidates.

Nobody asked him, but Professor Victor Davis Hansen answers the question here.

It’s a good question. Most of the Senate Democrats who voted for the the war quickly turned against it. Many Republicans and public opinion soon headed for the exits too.

With everybody against him, President Bush finally fired Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, poured more troops into Iraq, and put General David Petraeus in charge. The NYT published’s ad calling him General Betray Us. Hillary called him a liar.

As it turned out the Petraeus plan worked. In 2010 Joe Biden proclaimed events in Iraq the Obama administration’s finest hour. President Obama withdrew U.S. forces as he had promised.

Islamic man-burning barbarians soon filled the vacuum. Obama called them al Qaeda’s JV team. On Sunday the JV team routed the Iraqi defenders in Ramadi – 70 miles from Baghdad.

At present the last line of defense appears to be Shiite fighters from Iran.

Knowing what we know now, who in their right mind would answer yes?


Men in Green


I Googled Obama-Robin Hood and got 10,400,000 links . Obama-Peter Pan brought 1,800,000. Obama-Fantasy was good for 51,600,000.

I’m guessing he’s one of the men in green.

The popular Robin Hood story is that he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Except the real Robin Hood – the legend anyway- stole from the Sheriff of Nottingham who taxed the poor.

In that story President Obama wouldn’t be Robin Hood. He’d be the Sheriff of Nottingham, except he taxes the rich. Well, the poor too if you want to get into the Obama Care weeds.

He’s obsessed with fairness. In 2008 Charlie Gibson pointed out that when Clinton and Bush cut the capital gains tax, revenues increased. He asked Obama if he would increase the capital gains tax even if it meant less revenue to the government. The future president said he would – in the interest of fairness.

Dan Henninger in Thursday’s WSJ Wonder Land column wondered about fairness:

Other than the president, the one other slice of the American population that obsesses over fairness everywhere is children. Every parent knows that about the age of four, kids in groups start saying, “That’s not fair.”

If you have a birthday party and cut pieces of the cake for all, one of them will say, “Her piece is bigger than mine. Why is she getting a bigger piece? That’s not fair.”

And parents, ever since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, have felt obliged to instruct their children on the reality. Life isn’t going to be “fair.” And the path into the future requires more than envy, tantrums and grabbing what belongs to others.

Cradle-to-grave fairness may be infantile, but the idea lives on, especially in politics and most of all in Mr. Obama’s mind.

Even Jimmy Carter knows life’s not fair.

Anyway, in President Obama’s mind it doesn’t matter if he’s Robin Hood or Peter Pan. We’ll always be the serfs.

Bush vs Clinton the sequel

141230dynasty2It’s way early but as of now it’s Bush vs Clinton for president. Jeb is the leader the pack of Republican presidential candidates. Hillary remains heir apparent for the Democrats.

W paints a confusing picture of the royal bloodline by calling, My sweet Dad, a wonderful father to Bill and me.

The Week says embrace the dynasty.

At this point what difference does it make?

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