Category Archives: 2012 presidential campaign

VP Debate

It’s good to see the VP candidates reach across party lines. They both agree that government will enslave us.

The Washington Post editorial page considered those lines from Ryan’s acceptance speech an insult to voters. The Obama Julia ad sees it differently.

Race Card

You may add “Chicago” to your list of racist words.

Ron Paul

Paul Ryan gave a great speech full of ideas last night. I’m still combing through it for cartoon ideas. The convention began with a fight over the seating of the other Paul’s delegates from Maine. Ron Paul still has not said if he will vote for Romney.

Other than the Paul delegates, the liveliest people at the convention so far have been deranged, race obsessed, commentators. Chris Mathews insists that talk about food stamps and welfare is a Republican “dog whistle” for playing the race card. Most people on welfare and food stamps are white, so Gingrich blew the whistle on Matthews for assuming they were black.

Yahoo’s Washington bureau chief, David Chalian, topped that by saying the Romney’s are “happy to have a party with black people drowning”. He was fired.


Before The Fall

The president is threatening that there’s more where the auto bail-out came from.

“Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.”

Meanwhile a Congressional Budget Office report says a walk off the fiscal cliff will plunge the economy back into recession.

Big Wind

Todd Aiken is the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat from Missouri who said that in cases of “legitimate rape” women have special powers to avoid pregnancy. Needless to say, Dems like Barbara Boxer pounced on Aiken’s nutty idea to whip up the winds of “the war on women”.

Democrats and pundits also tried to pin Aiken’s rape notions on Republicans like Paul Ryan who oppose abortion because they consider it killing a human life.

The bigger problem problem for Republicans is the Missouri senate seat. The incumbent Democrat, Claire McCaskill, was considered a weak candidate – until Aiken defined himself. One additional Republican seat in the senate would have been enough to block passage of Obama Care, which Republicans hope to overturn.

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