Category Archives: internet
Sales Tax
Local merchants, big companies, Democrats, and Republicans are overcoming their differences to come together in support of the Marketplace Fairness Act.
Uh oh.
Brick and mortars complain about being shopped and having to charge sales tax but they don’t mention shipping costs on internet sales. Besides, what’s that got to do with it? I heard somewhere life isn’t fair.
It doesn’t seem fair that Ohio considers me a chattel with a claim on my actions when I make a purchase in another state.
News Not Fit to Print
How do you draw an editorial cartoon about murdering babies after botched abortions? Especially when readers won’t know what you’re talking about because the national media are ignoring the story?
That’s the case with the Gosnell murder trial in Philadelphia. I’ve been following it for a while on Fox News and a few blogs like Breitbart but nobody else (except the Philadelphia Inquirer and other local outlets) seemed to be covering it. That is until Kirsten Powers blew the lid off in a USA Today article about the curious incuriosity of the mainstream media.
With the cat out of the bag, others, including Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic and Megan Mcardle in The Daily Beast, began to question the media lack of interest. By that time it was Friday, the traditional bad news dump day.
Al Jazeera
Click the Trojan Horse to find out how Arab oil sheiks bought instant access to the American mainstream – thanks to Al Gore. Andrew Wilson has the story in American Spectator.
Snow Job
It’s snowing on the mainstream media. In “potentially historic” proportions. Ever since The Weather Channel started naming snowstorms I knew we were in trouble.