Category Archives: health insurance

Government Collapse

130928-government - collapseThe majority of Americans don’t like ObamaCare but they don’t want it to collapse. They don’t want to risk a government shutdown either. Republicans hate it but are divided over risking a shutdown.

Charles Krauthammer, and Brit Hume are among conservatives who thinks it’s unlikely President Obama will sign a bill abolishing ObamaCare. They have a point.

Here’s a column by Daniel Henninger betting that Obamacare will be the straw that breaks the donkey’s back, causing the progressive agenda to collapse. Hmm.

Donkey Business

Here’s a donkey with straw. 131001donkey-straw-collapse

And here’s a donkey up in the air. The straw donkey was probably a better analogy but I thought this one was pretty funny.

131001donkey air collapse

Won’t Negotiate


The president won’t negotiate. He issues executive orders. He grants waivers of the employer mandate to big business. He gives a special subsidy to the political class for health care. But he won’t negotiate.

Harry Reid, Obama, and others like to say that ObamaCare is the law of the land and can’t be changed. Isn’t the debt ceiling also the law of the land.? They want that changed.

Negotiate This

I thought negotiation was what politicians do. How is it that when the government shuts down, it’s not the fault of the guy who won’t negotiate.

Political Class and Law

130906-GOP-waiver-cartoonThe law doesn’t apply to big business or the political class when it comes to the Affordable Care Act.

The employer mandate requires companies with 50 or more employees to provide comprehensive health care. However, the reporting requirements were just too complex for the government to figure out, so the mandate was delayed for a year.

As a show of good will, while ramming the bill through the Senate the night before Christmas, the politicians agreed to impose Obama Care requirements on themselves. Once they passed the bill and found out what was in it they were shocked to learn it would cost them, and their staffs, huge hunks of cash. No problem. The White House helped tweak the law and our betters were unburdened.

Who’s the Law For?

Now big labor wants Obama to twerk er tweak for them.

Who will the law apply to? Just us serfs.

Crony Congress


130805congress-obamacare-cartoonThe president sings the praises of the middle class but hasn’t changed his tune on the individual mandate to buy Obamacare. Meanwhile he has taken care of big business and the political class by delaying the employer mandate for a year and relieving congress and staff of their obligation to pay for ObamaCare. The WSJ says the law is a “mere suggestion” to this White House. It’s enough to make Greta Van Susteren throw up.


Michael F. Cannon weighs in with Congress’s ObamaCare Waiver in NRO:

Obamacare includes a provision that should cost each member of Congress and each staffer $5,000 to $11,000 per year. Needless to say, the ruling class was not pleased.

Congress wasn’t about to try to exempt itself from this provision explicitly, though. If John Q. Congressman voted to give himself an Obamacare waiver that his constituents don’t get, he wouldn’t be John Q. Congressman much longer. What’s an aristocrat to do?

On July 30, I predicted that, even though he had no authority to do so, President Obama would waive that provision at taxpayers’ expense. On August 1, he ignobly obliged the aristocracy by decreeing we peasants give each member and staffer $5,000 or $11,000, depending on whether they want self-only or family coverage. It’s good to be king.

Why ObamaCare Isn’t Working

130712-obamacare-fix-cartoon-Democrats are blaming Republicans for standing by and watching, rather than climbing aboard the ObamaCare train wreck.

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