Category Archives: education

Woodrow Wilson Replaced by Pajama Boy


The student activists are on to Woodrow Wilson. President Wilson frowned on the US Constitution with its separation of powers and limited government. He preferred big government ruled by expert elites.

And so it has come to pass.

In addition to that, Wilson was not fond of black people. He rooted them out of his newly expanded government and segregated the ones who remained. By law.

Somehow word of this leaked out to the student agitators. They are now demanding that Wilson’s name be removed from Princeton University where he was president before moving on to bigger things.

Victor Davis Hanson, a history professor (and raisin farmer) himself, thinks progressive faculty and administrators deserve all the blame for recent campus unrest:

A group called the Black Justice League wants the name of liberal but bigoted President Woodrow Wilson removed from Princeton University. Liberals are aghast that the century-old memory of their progressive hero might vanish from the Princeton campus.

In another National Review piece VDH says that, by the standards of modern academia, none of the heroes of the past stand up to the moral superiority of the Pajama Boys of the present.

Clock Boy Cashes In

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The kid who made a clock that looked like a bomb to a school English teacher now wants 15 million for his trouble. That would be one million dollars per minute of fame for Clock Boy.

College Free Speech

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What do you call it when college kids and their professors muscle out a president and chancellor? A good start.

The mayhem is spreading across the country.

Actually it started a while ago. Harvard president Larry Summers was guillotined by faculty and students in 2005 for incorrect thoughts about women in science.

Free Speech

Students are demanding safe spaces where they won’t be offended by incorrect thoughts or free speech. But they’re really offended that you aren’t paying their tuition.


Mizzou Football Econ 101

151110-mizzouNutty professors calling for muscle weren’t the biggest story during the University of Missouri protests. The football team was.

Thirty-six hours after black players said they would strike, the president and chancellor resigned. Mizzou would have had to pay Brigham Young University a million dollars if it cancelled Saturday’s game.

Now that football players have had their consciousness raised about their economic clout, will they use it to their own benefit?

Ahmed’s Clock.


Fourteen year old Ahmed Mohamed made a clock and brought it to school. Ahmed’s clock doesn’t look like other clocks. It has a bunch of wires and gizmos inside a briefcase.

Ahmed showed it off to his engineering teacher who told him not to carry it around to his classes. That might be because he was afraid someone might mistake Ahmed’s clock for a bomb. Sure enough an English teacher did just that. Being a school, the place went berserk. Ahmed was handcuffed, questioned, and sent home.

Since he didn’t point a finger like a gun, or wave around a pop-tart chewed to look like a gun, he wasn’t suspended. But he is Muslim and his dad says that’s why he was profiled.

Kevin Williamson thinks Amhed looks like your average American high school nerd destined for Silicon Valley success. That didn’t keep him from from his 15 minutes of celebrity fame as an oppressed victim. Nor from an invitation to the White House by the president.


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