Ahmed’s Clock.


Fourteen year old Ahmed Mohamed made a clock and brought it to school. Ahmed’s clock doesn’t look like other clocks. It has a bunch of wires and gizmos inside a briefcase.

Ahmed showed it off to his engineering teacher who told him not to carry it around to his classes. That might be because he was afraid someone might mistake Ahmed’s clock for a bomb. Sure enough an English teacher did just that. Being a school, the place went berserk. Ahmed was handcuffed, questioned, and sent home.

Since he didn’t point a finger like a gun, or wave around a pop-tart chewed to look like a gun, he wasn’t suspended. But he is Muslim and his dad says that’s why he was profiled.

Kevin Williamson thinks Amhed looks like your average American high school nerd destined for Silicon Valley success. That didn’t keep him from from his 15 minutes of celebrity fame as an oppressed victim. Nor from an invitation to the White House by the president.


2 Responses to Ahmed’s Clock.

  1. John M. Burt says:

    So, I guess if GOPsters keep telling us that little Ahmad built a bomb, we’ll start to believe it, or anyway to doubt our memory of what happened…?

  2. ScruffyLeon says:

    Ahmed wasn’t profiled, neither were the school administrators racist. Let’s see what happens when Ahmed tries to board a plane at DFW Airport carrying his little clock in a briefcase. I’ll bet his father is there with his camera to record more photos of his son in handcuffs.

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